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  1. RevWillie

    Orchid timing

    Thanks everybody - that's good news! I might move the female to an outside screen cage in the shade where she can get the local 91d/78n temps.
  2. RevWillie

    Ghost's First Meal

  3. RevWillie

    Orchid timing

    I was doing my best to slow down my male orchids, and speed up my female orchid, but... 9/16 male orchid molted to adult 9/19 female molted to sub-adult 9/22 other male molting to adult right now Assuming :) that I can fatten up the female and get her to shed to adult in ~3 weeks, another...
  4. RevWillie


    Greetings Diana!
  5. RevWillie

    I am popa! Hear me roar!!!

    Popa conanense! :)
  6. RevWillie


    Hello Kelly! :)
  7. RevWillie

    My First Adult Mantis Raised From a Nymph

    Mine were all total pigs at sub-adult - feed them well and they will be adult in no time!
  8. RevWillie

    [Pictures] Trip In French Guyana

    Wonderful, Paul! Thank you for the 'trip'. :)
  9. RevWillie


    Well... these are supposed to be C. pictipennis and they have a mottled pronotum, so... I say pictipennis
  10. RevWillie

    Orchid Mantis does Tai Chi (video)

    I love the abdomen moving in figure-8s in time to the music in the first 40 seconds or so!
  11. RevWillie

    Mature male won't mate

    I have a shy male Creo that does a great frozen deer-in-the-headlights when the female sees him. The females are totally willing, calling like crazy, practically backing up under him, but he won't do it. I had a female get mad at him the other day and after trying to entice him in every way...
  12. RevWillie

    Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii

    Great photo Tammy - it's so shiny, like an enameled figure! :punk:
  13. RevWillie

    This was not planned...

    For whatever reason, that has been my plan all along: breed the females to different males every 2-3 ooths. The female Creo that laid the 1st ooth for me just laid her 3rd ooth Saturday, and I mated her with a different male last night.
  14. RevWillie

    Pink Orchid, Idolo mating

    Great news, Nick!!! (I hope to echo the orchid news in a month or 2)
  15. RevWillie

    Bent Abdomen? Can he still mate?

    Spray them with water? :D
  16. RevWillie

    Water droplets and my first molt.

    Great stuff Adam! Yeah, I'm hooked on things like that too. :)
  17. RevWillie


    Welcome. Today's events were disappointing but just a bump in the road, que sera sera. Take good care of the rest and in time, you'll be back for more. :)
  18. RevWillie


    Hello Bethany! Flying V?
  19. RevWillie

    wax worms.

    I tried waxworms back in my chameleon days but after many escapes and such, gave up on them. The moths might work but they have to be moving to attract attention. The worms themselves would have to be handfed as I don't think they would attract an mantis. I recently for some Phoenix Worms to...
  20. RevWillie

    Exo-Terra nano.

    Tammy - my female is still sub-adult (and a blimp :) ) so it will be a while before I move her in there. I have 2 new Exo's: Nano and 12x12x18, and 1 ZooMed 12x12x12. I have a Creo pictipennis female in the ZooMed laying ooths and might move in the other gravid females. Are there any reasons...