Mature male won't mate


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2011
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I have a male blue flash that seems terrified when I put him in the presence of a female.It's been well over a month since he reached adulthood but when he gets around a female he becomes petrified .what's to be done?Is there any way to get him interested ?


Was the female staring at him or was the male put in front of her? The male will only attempt to jump on the female from the sides or from behind otherwise if he moves the female will attempt to grab him as food. Did you try making the female move away from the male? This will provide the opportunity for him to jump on her. If the position is not correct, the male will stay still until the female moves first and he will do really reeeeaaaally slow movements to avoid being detected.

I put him behind her and yes the female was moving away at times.I've tried twice now with two different females and both times he was petrified.I mated a pair of bud wings last month with the same technique and the male had no problem doing his thing within about a minute.

See if you can get a nice big cricket or even a huge BB to put in her grasp and the time you want to get him mounted. If she is distracted you have half the battle won. The other is if you literally place him perhaps with one leg on her (you can use a skewer or something long with a small diameter and not you fingers) and he sees that she is not going to wack him, he may then get over the fears that are based on instict.

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is your female at least 2 weeks as adult? maybe you have to wait one week and try again.... also you can do what Rich said.... " The other is if you literally place him perhaps with one leg on her....."

Tried again today and after some considerable time,prodding and blowing he did eventually mount.She however lost all interest in the cricket she was eating and eyeballed him for about 15 seconds before I decided to end the date.He's a very apprehensive dude but guess he knows the score.

Make sure your male is full of prey and water before he is introduced. I have had a couple of males that wouldn't mate, but did immediately after they had a good mist or prey item.

Also, a couple of them were scared and didn't seem to know what to do until they got a real close look at the female's rear. :huh: A few times, I have had luck when I put the males face right up to the female's rear, the change in his behavior can be surprisingly sudden. :tt1: It may be why some males like to turn around the wrong way and check it out, even if they mounted right the first time?

I think that sometimes the male just knows it if the female is not ready(too young, or about to lay an ooth). But, some males just don't care and will mount anyway. :rolleyes:

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I have a shy male Creo that does a great frozen deer-in-the-headlights when the female sees him. The females are totally willing, calling like crazy, practically backing up under him, but he won't do it. I had a female get mad at him the other day and after trying to entice him in every way possible, she threw up her wings and started punching him with her raptors! I quickly put in another male and the deed was done, I removed the shy guy.

I have bred him a couple of times but he's a shy, 'traditional' guy that wants to get to know the girls first. :)

I have set up a 'honeymoon suite' - a screen cage outside in the FL heat and humidity - it seems to get their motors running.

I tried again tonight and it was a no go.Completely frozen.I had him behind her through two crickets and not a move.When I finally decided to put him back in his condo he reached up for me like a frightened child and ran up my arm.Frustrating but the scared kid routine was pretty funny.Try again tomorrow.

Sometimes you gotta do something different. In that case I just pick him up by the thorax and place him on her back. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Actually the best thing to do is to Gutload your BB Flies with viagra. lol

I have a similar problem. I have trouble with a shy or scared male and an aggressive female. I've had an experience where I would guide the male onto the female's back and he just kept on walking. The male mantis would step over the female's head while she's still eating then fly away. The female is very aggressive and if she notices a male she turns to face him and wants to eat him. Both are about 4 weeks adult.

Ok, this may be a dumb idea. But I just left 2 male Creos inside the same enclosure as the female, provided that it's a fairly spacious. So far, no one has been absent (1 night).

It's very weird the male refusing to mate. I never seen such thing before. I like putting my females walking around the male enclosures, it puts them all mad and start jumping towards it and trying to reach the female, it's quite funny.

Thanks to all for the advice.Put him in with a female for a couple hours,a little mist,a cricket and bammo.He actually flew off my hand onto her back when he got about 7 or 8 inches from her.

Also curious,she's on her fourth cricket in about an hour,will this up his chances for survival?Will anything?

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congrats! i think he will do just fine if you keep an i on them.
