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  1. xxdreamchas3r913

    Did they finish mating? I might have messed this one up!! =(

    aiyah yea i should have just let them be! but even tho i shouldnt have bothered them when i did i would have had to move them in a few hours thats the problem, i don't really have a good place to leave them i've been keeping them in our restrooms but alot of my family live in the same house so...
  2. xxdreamchas3r913

    Did they finish mating? I might have messed this one up!! =(

    Sorry for asking so many questions!! I was just wondering if there was a chance that a couple weren't done when they were separated! They started mating a couple nights ago and were connected all night and morning. around afternoon, i checked on them and picked up the long leafy stick thing they...
  3. xxdreamchas3r913

    Just a quick question about mating!

    stagmomantis limbata! wow didn't think it was that common rick so in this case it wasn't the male who was messing up? i always thought that if a female wasn't ready to mate she would just attack the male or something if she lets him mount her i assumed that would mean she was ready. They are...
  4. xxdreamchas3r913

    Wild caught going crazy! Please help!

    yea that was the first thing that i suspected when he started getting weird the container i put him in wasn't super duper clean i had kept it outside inside an empty tank and just rinsed and wiped it out a bit before i put him in's not like i used any chemicals to clean it that might...
  5. xxdreamchas3r913

    Just a quick question about mating!

    Just something out of curiosity: Do females ever refuse to connect with the male even if they are both sexually mature? I know that it's common for younger males to take awhile before they figure out how to get things started i was just wondering if it's possible for a female to allow a male to...
  6. xxdreamchas3r913

    Wild caught going crazy! Please help!

    yea, i guess it really was from stress then..never knew they could actually die from that..nearly all the mantids i've kept were wild caught probably only bought a few before but i've never seen this. it's so weird but depressing can this happen to any wild caught mantids? and is it more...
  7. xxdreamchas3r913

    Wild caught going crazy! Please help!

    thanks for the input guys...yea i kept him overnight to see if he would make some sort of miraculous comeback not sure why i still thought there was hope for him. yea it really looks like he ate or was exposed to some kind of toxin its just weird how he only started losing it after i caught him...
  8. xxdreamchas3r913

    Wild caught going crazy! Please help!

    i dunno! but i'm pretty sure he was perfectly normal when i found him! he was jumping and running around when i had him on my hand and would fly around and land on my shirt he didn't start having weird symptoms until later that night. even today, he was mostly fine just a bit weird and awkward...
  9. xxdreamchas3r913

    Wild caught going crazy! Please help!

    UPDATE: he's on the bottom now on his back and it looks like he's having spasms or something he keeps moving but doesn't seem to be able to control his body! This is pretty scary what's wrong with him??
  10. xxdreamchas3r913

    Wild caught going crazy! Please help!

    Hey everyone! i just caught the guy yesterday and he was perfectly fine for awhile but then he started getting really jumpy and a couple of his legs seemed jerky and weird. I had caught a wild male last year that had similar issues for a couple days after I just caught him. But then he was...
  11. xxdreamchas3r913

    Bent Abdomen? Can he still mate?

    aiyah! that sucks! thanks for the tip phil! if i try it out tho what should i do if he can't connect with the female? how should i separate them? i always just let them be once he jumps on her if i intervene will they freak out or will the female be extra aggressive or anything? i'll give it a...
  12. xxdreamchas3r913

    Bent Abdomen? Can he still mate?

    Hey guys! I realize this is a fairly common issue and there are other threads about this so I'm sorry! But I searched for a bit and it seems like a fold or kink in their abdomen is usually ok and they will survive, but i only found threads mentioning this condition in nymphs, is it ok for an...
  13. xxdreamchas3r913

    Color Changing Mantises?

    yea i've always wondered about what was the actual reason behind the color variation! always just assumed it was something to do with surroundings when they molted! for the most part, whenever i find one in the wild, their color usually has to do with where they lived and if they are younger...
  14. xxdreamchas3r913


    not an expert on this but i would also think its not worth the risk. like phil said its probably incredibly unlikely that any harm will come to your mantid but i would rather not risk it. and i'm pretty sure more mantids have been killed by crickets than wasps but thats probably due to the fact...
  15. xxdreamchas3r913


    not an expert on this but i would also think its not worth the risk. like phil said its probably incredibly unlikely that any harm will come to your mantid but i would rather not risk it. and i'm pretty sure more mantids have been killed by crickets than wasps but thats probably due to the fact...
  16. xxdreamchas3r913

    Dark spot on thorax??

    haha DOI xD
  17. xxdreamchas3r913

    Dark spot on thorax??

    i recently caught an adult female who had just molted! found her the night before in THE bush when she was sub adult and then the next day she was around the same spot with her skin next to her! Since she was already an adult i decided to catch her in case some of my males decided to molt soon...
  18. xxdreamchas3r913

    Hurricane Irene:

    omg i'm way out of the loop and had no clue about the hurricane!!! take care everyone! stay safe and stay hopeful i wish the best for everyone who was hit and hope to hear from you guys soon! I guess i'm a little late in posting this but hopefully everyone will update this thread soon letting us...
  19. xxdreamchas3r913

    Yike! HELP!! is there a trick to this!!??

    if my mantid is not on the lid or i can get it to go down for a bit, i always just open the FF jar a wee bit so theres just a crack and tap some into the enclosure until theres enough for the mantid. of course you should also tap the FF culture on your desk and make sure theyre not all on the...
  20. xxdreamchas3r913

    Cruelty to animals! Report this video...

    dang sorry about that Peter i guess i lost it there....should have reflected a bit more on my words before i said it...not trying to justify my crude use of language but i was really just disgusted out of my mind that people like that actually exist. i take back the terrible things i said they...