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  1. lunarstorm

    New Mantis Nursery - Check it out!

    That looks awesome Carey! Depending on details, there's a good chance that I'd pick up a kit sometime. It would be nice to have an alternative to my terrarium and netcubes for the more communal species.
  2. lunarstorm

    New Member

    Welcome from Seattle, Jerry! As others have noted, the classifieds section here on the forums is a great way to find outstanding prices on a wide variety of mantids. But be sure to read feedback on the seller before sending a stranger your money. Most people around here are very honorable but...
  3. lunarstorm

    Hierodula majuscula male

    Cool pics, thanks for sharing 'em. Good job capturing the neat lookin' wingbuds.
  4. lunarstorm

    For the Mantis that Has Everything

    Rut roh. Wallet threat level is high.
  5. lunarstorm

    Fly problem

    I've never used the freezer for pupae, as I fear it's too cold and they will die. I store my fly pupae in the fridge and they last for 3-4 weeks beforeh hatch rates substantially decline. Sounds like yours have expired. :(
  6. lunarstorm

    help please! ghost mantis.

    Any time the leg doesn't develop properly during a molting process, it's called a mismolt. It happens sometimes. Is your mantis eating? If it's eating and pooping, don't worry about the leg.
  7. lunarstorm

    Orchid nymphs L1-L2

    I totally understand, it was surprisingly jarring to me. I wonder if I'll get used to it over time. Kinda doubt it. Even if the sting isn't as severe after I've experienced it many times, it's not something we can really relate to (I hope!) lol
  8. lunarstorm

    help please! ghost mantis.

    As long as it's not one of their famous raptorial prothoracic legs, don't worry about it. A single mangled or even missing hind leg doesn't tend to have much impact on them. And as xFault said, it'll very possible (even likely!) that as long as the mantis reaches adulthood, the leg will...
  9. lunarstorm

    Orchid nymphs L1-L2

    Doh! I'm sorry about the male. When my oxy male got chomped I was disappointed for longer than I thought I'd be. Great pics and grats on the continued orchid success!
  10. lunarstorm

    My wide-arms are finally mating!!!

    Congrats! I bet she's gonna lay an ooth really soon.
  11. lunarstorm

    Heat Lamp

    Nice! I'll keep doing the same. If there's a species that is proven to thrive with a constant 100F+ I suppose I'll leave a bulb on all the time, but until then...
  12. lunarstorm

    Mantisplace new site coming

    lol Awesome.
  13. lunarstorm

    Heat Lamp

    You don't let them cool at night? I'd expect my mismolt rate to go up if my lamps never turned off.
  14. lunarstorm

    Hierodula majuscula care?

    OK. Fair and good points. But I don't think Hierodulas are one of 'em, even if some other site says otherwise. Personally? If we're going to just compare Hierodula notes from the experts, I'll stick with Yen's site and suggestions. Let us know what you decide to do,it might be fun to compare...
  15. lunarstorm

    Raise your hand if U regularly handle your tarantula

    Yeah. The thought of a spider being alive for that long is kinda scary. To ensure a good night of sleep, I'll just think of it as being old and slow and not devious or crafty in its twilight years.
  16. lunarstorm

    Hierodula majuscula care?

    We can all agree that too much humidity is a bad thing! This rule applies to most (maybe all?) mantids though, mold and such are not conducive to their health and well being. But in this thread you have stated that the H. majuscula and the P. Wahlbergii (aka #9) are pretty prone to bacterial...
  17. lunarstorm

    Hierodula majuscula care?

    I've never heard the "prone to bacterial infection" statement before and I'm very skeptical of its accuracy. Why do you believe this? Can you cite some reliable sources?
  18. lunarstorm

    Hierodula majuscula care?

    Hierodulas are very tolerant and hardy. General mantis care applies, I'd recommend daytime temps of 80-90F, night temps of 65-75F with an average humidity of 60%.
  19. lunarstorm


    Welcome from Seattle! Curious, where are you located?