Sheep herding Swedish bunny becomes online hit


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May 1, 2010
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STOCKHOLM (AP) — Champis the bunny doesn't only hop — he also knows how to herd his masters' flock of sheep, possibly having picked up the skill after watching trained dogs do the job.

The 5-year-old pet rabbit from the small village of Kal in northern Sweden shot to online fame last week, having garnered more than 700,000 YouTube hits so far, after a clip of his sheep herding skills surfaced on a blog.

The June video shows a persistent Champis running back and forth on the farm, trying to keep Nils-Erik and Greta Vigren's sheep together.

Greta Vigren said she first noted his talent last spring when they let out the sheep to graze for the first time after the long Swedish winter.

"He just started to behave like a sheepdog," she recalled, adding that while he likes to round up the sheep, he is consistent about leaving the farm's hens alone, treating them more gently.

"He's like a king for the whole group. He thinks he rules over both the sheep and the hens. He has a very big ego."

Dan Westman, a sheepdog breeder who shot and posted the video of his friends' bunny, said he was in awe when he first witnessed the phenomenon, noting Champis does the job even better than most dogs would.

"It's really incredible, it's a herding rabbit," he said. "He rounds them up, and if they get close to escaping through the gate he sometimes stops them," he said.

"I mean I work with sheepdogs and know how hard this is. There are very few dogs that could do what this rabbit does."

Westman, who's known both Champis and its owners for years, said the beige little mix-breed bunny had never been trained for the job but seemed to have learned the ropes all on his own.

"He's probably picked some of it up from watching the dogs," he said.

Despite his tiny size, Westman said the sheep seem to pay their minder a world of respect, letting him herd them around when he feels they need some moving.

Wow that bunny's got an attitude! :gunsmilie: Looks like he just does it for fun the way he runs them back and forth like that. :lol: But actually yeah it does look like he knows to keep them away from the fence. :lol:

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That's pretty cool. But I'd worry about one of my rabbits getting stepped on if they did that. My neighbor has a border collie and takes it to practice sheep herding now and then. I'll have to show her this video.

Oh, I can blame you for another annoying song stuck in my head...

Oh, I can blame you for another annoying song stuck in my head...
me too.

DUDE, this is not what I ment when I was begging for videos from you. now go out and train one of your new orchids to do this and make your own video with some real music. PLEASE!!!!!!!


run rabbit, run rabbit, run run, run... :surrender:

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DUDE, this is not what I ment when I was begging for videos from you. now go out and train one of your new orchids to do this and make your own video with some real music. PLEASE!!!!!!!
:D I still haven't finished the video project I'm getting paid for and I'm not allowing myself to make any bug videos until it's done. Hopefully I get it done this week because I've got some sick footage waiting.

That'll do, bunny.

Is the human giving it signals? I mean, it's amazing enough that the rabbit is definitely herding the sheep, but I thought I saw a human giving it hand signals. Have they actually trained it? My mind is blown and all my previous suppositions about what is possible are untrue.

It's definitely learned from the dog... the way it flattens itself and stares, and the sheep respond... wow.

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Sorry kids, the Easter Bunny is sick of fattening up naughty kids, so he has retired to go and chase sheep. Whenever you hear a stampede of baaaaing, you might just have a chance of seeing the "Border Bunny", a direct relation to the border collie.
