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  1. Z

    How to kill a virus?

    I got the avast, and I think the windows firewall is out of date. This comp is OLLDDDDDDDDDDDD.
  2. Z

    How to kill a virus?

    Hey!! Opah!! It worked! MBAM killed it! Also, nobody is allowed to use my profile EVER AGAIN on this computer, or I'll cut a biitch.
  3. Z

    How to kill a virus?

    My computer has a virus. Which isn't too out of the ordinary, seeing as we HAVE NO VIRUS PROTECTION. But it's called "Vista 2010" something or other. And it won't let me use the internet. It says all these programs have viruses and stuff, except I know for a fact they don't. It popped up...
  4. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    Well.. I was in the process of getting all the H membranacea from the net cube to their own cups. And so happened to witness one of the girls eating the head off a boy. Guess he pissed her off. Well, like any obviously concerned person, I did not try to seperate but instead took pictures...
  5. Z

    Things that annoy you

    Gotcha. And I TOTALLY agree.
  6. Z

    Things that annoy you

    I read the forum via my phone.. ?
  7. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    Now this is little Pipsqueak. He's my tiny boy.
  8. Z

    Zoe Needs Cheering Up.

    Krus: I plan on wreaking havoc, raping and pillaging. Emile: OH MY GOD that's genius
  9. Z

    "Nymph Butt"

    Guys, those are all great answers, but I was looking for the technical term as to why the abdomen curves upward.
  10. Z

    Zoe Needs Cheering Up.

    She called!!!
  11. Z

    Favourite food?

    I like almost anything that will make me fat. Oh wait! Already there. You win again, ice cream!
  12. Z

    "Nymph Butt"

    Wow, that's really interesting! Mantids have amazing ways of camouflaging. I just figured it was a nymph-thing. I just didn't know WHY they did it.
  13. Z

    "Nymph Butt"

    Well yeah, but I mean the technical term for why the nymph's abdomen curves upward. I just called it "Nymph Butt" because the adults' abdomens are always straight back.
  14. Z

    "Nymph Butt"

    Good to know! :lol:
  15. Z

    "Nymph Butt"

    What is the technical term for Nymph Butt? That's what I call it when the nymph's little butts are all upturned and stuff.. Like this: Nymph butt, tee hee. Why do they do that? What's it called? Does it have a technical term?
  16. Z

    Zoe Needs Cheering Up.

    So I was best friends with this girl Danielle for 12 years. Then last year we got into a fight, and we haven't spoken since. I decided to try to make up with her. I hand-copied the Hogwarts acceptance letter (We're both huge Potter dorks) and stained the paper to look like "parchment". I...
  17. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    I've decided I'm going to have little photoshoots for each individual little mantis. This is Blaziken, I love his colors!
  18. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    You mean all those tiny, wispy things that have the head bent back and a rip in the front AREN'T NYMPHS?! I feel let down!
  19. Z

    Theopropus elegans

    Congratulations on ALL of your recent hatchings! (too lazy/tired to post on each of the threads, lol)