"Nymph Butt"


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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
Bixby Oklahoma
What is the technical term for Nymph Butt?

That's what I call it when the nymph's little butts are all upturned and stuff..

Like this:


Nymph butt, tee hee.

Why do they do that?

What's it called?

Does it have a technical term?

LOL. I believe the technical term is abdomen? The actual 'butt' has many, many parts such as the subgenital plate, the supraanal plate, cerci, styli, genitalia, etc.

LOL. I believe the technical term is abdomen? The actual 'butt' has many, many parts such as the subgenital plate, the supraanal plate, cerci, styli, genitalia, etc.
Well yeah, but I mean the technical term for why the nymph's abdomen curves upward.

I just called it "Nymph Butt" because the adults' abdomens are always straight back.

Hmm some say that they do that to mimic leaves or thorns, so if there's ever a technical term then it should be 'mimicry' Here's a good photo of Acanthops sp. hatchlings looking like leaves and thorns. You will still see curved abdomens on adult Acanthops sp. females even though they have wings, which is interesting. Here's a photo.

Wow, that's really interesting!

Mantids have amazing ways of camouflaging.

I just figured it was a nymph-thing.

I just didn't know WHY they did it.

Guys, those are all great answers, but I was looking for the technical term [SIZE=12pt]as to why the abdomen curves upward.[/SIZE]

Guys, those are all great answers, but I was looking for the technical term [SIZE=12pt]as to why the abdomen curves upward.[/SIZE]
I don't think there is a techinical term... not that i know off atleast.

Besides, not all species do that.

Tenodera spp keep their abdomens straight as nymphs.
