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  1. Z

    Oh boy, its snowing.

    Same in Oklahoma. Measured yesterday around 5". Since it snowed all night, I've no idea what it is now. I'm afraid to look.
  2. Z

    Creobroter Sp.

    Wow, congratulations! 26 days?! Do all Creobroters hatch extremely fast?
  3. Z

    Things that you like

    Aw, Phil, you're so sweet! :D
  4. Z

    Things that you like

    -Getting good pictures of my mantids on the first try -Steelheart -Putting water in rubber gloves, tying it like a balloon, and freezing it so it's a hand-cube. -Singing along really loud and off-key to my favorite songs, resulting in an irritated household. -LIFE!
  5. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    P.S. It's snowing!! The end for now!
  6. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    Giant Asian time! Still no names for them.. I'm holding a contest on Rat Shack forums for people to name them. Also, Kat, I've no idea what you're up to, but today there's 11 Giant Asians. Did you put some sorta voodoo on me?! Continued...
  7. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    Thanks everyone! And yeah, I keep rather meticulous records on my mantids. I have a journal specifically for it. It goes Date (m/dd/yy form) Mantis name: watered/fed @ 12pm/am (insert correct time) Mantis name: watered/fed @ 12pm/am And on.
  8. Z

    Things that you like

    Woo! I'm cool! That's something I like! Being Cool :)
  9. Z

    Orchid Hatch

    New pics soon? I wanna see them babies!
  10. Z

    how smart( or dumb) is a mantis

    Phil, I don't know what it is about you, but god you make me laugh at least 5x a day!
  11. Z

    Things that you like

    I guess I should count myself lucky that kittens are not among the vast array of things I'm allergic to. (I have INSANE hayfever. Like, during the earliest of spring to the latest of fall, I'm allergic to the outside world. IT SUCKS.) Back to things I like! -Scary movies -Orange juice...
  12. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    Last but not least (of mantis pics), poor little Brock. He started vomiting as well, and I tried everything that you guys told me from the "controversial" thread, to no avail. Poor little guy. He was really weak, and so I put him out of his misery tonight. Two non-mantis pics, but still...
  13. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    New pics time! Here's Skwisgaar, my biggest M paykullii. Anyone know what the deal is with the black dots on her back? They showed up after this last molt. Hubby and I's guess is perhaps the wings developing for adulthood? Maybe? And now here's fat little Flapjack just after guzzling a...
  14. Z

    Things that you like

    Kittens! :)
  15. Z

    Orchid Hatch

    Oh my, 2am? Well, I can't say much, I think when you PM'd me it was about 3am here, and I was still wide awake! But you should probably get sleep!
  16. Z

    Orchid Hatch

    I request more pics, please.
  17. Z

    Orchid Hatch

    Wow Shaik, they sure are pretty little things. Congratulations! You're just having all kinds of luck with nymphs lately, aren't you? -Zoe is envious-
  18. Z

    Things that annoy you

    How my mother is trying to guilt-trip me into moving back in with her. Um, hello, married here! She had my 4 year old sister call me and say "I want you to come home now." And I could hear my mom in the background telling her what to say. That's a low blow, mom. Even for you.
  19. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    Thank you! The ring is my engagement/wedding ring. :)
  20. Z

    Zoe's Official Photo Thread

    Instead of making multiple threads, I've decided to do just this one. I wish I could condense and delete my other threads, but I don't think I can.. Anyhoo. On to the pics. This is my freshly molted L4 H membranacea nymph. Quite the cutie. Here's one of the little nymphs on the...