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  1. stacy

    Comment by 'stacy' in media 'Fifithreatpose3'

    super pretty
  2. stacy

    Is this normal?

    Thank you Gripen and agent A :) Im glad its a boy tbh, I've been calling him Griffindor (like wiz from harry potter lol) I feel bad the lil guy doesn't have a mate, oh well least he won't have his head eaten :eek:
  3. stacy

    Eating Insects.. yumm?

    eww lol
  4. stacy

    Eating Insects.. yumm?

    now im wondering whats really in a protein shake.. hmm...
  5. stacy

    Is this normal?

    He? has always had these tiny black dots on the are, like what I would call the elbow, but I am wondering if this is normal for a Griffin Mantis as markings? the dots are identical on each side and do not appear to be raised up, just a coloration.
  6. stacy

    Adult Idolo Changing Colors

    Stunning :)
  7. stacy

    Purple Boxer Mantis L2 (Ephestiasula pictipes)

    i agree on both accounts ;)
  8. stacy

    Why does this keep happening?

    I think there is too much emphasis on the guns. The deal in Florida recently with Rudy Eugene literally biting off the face of a poor homeless man for instance. With trying to stay on topic of why does this keep happening, Imo it is because the moral foundation of our world is deteriorating and...
  9. stacy

    Eating Insects.. yumm?

    I sure don't think I could eat an insect :s Especially crickets, their legs.. Ew!
  10. stacy

    Eating Insects.. yumm?

    What do you think? I wouldn't eat it, but hey, these people didn't seem to mind lol
  11. stacy

    Too much fun!

    I want pictures! I know it isnt much, for a new girl I think it's a lot lol.
  12. stacy

    Hello from California Bay Area

    hi and welcome. im originally from the bay, sure miss some of it, gl on your search :)
  13. stacy

    A curious mantis-fan brazilian guy

    hi, welcome :) toward the bottom is the section to buy/sell :)
  14. stacy


    aww really? i want to try, how sweet
  15. stacy

    Two surprises tonight

    what a proud mommie :)
  16. stacy

    Why does this keep happening?

    I agree, definalty he should pay a price.. A very high price, imo, death really would be the only solution in this matter.. Tbh.. Im more a "freak" then a "normal" person, and being a person with mental illnesses/challenges let me just say.. it is NOT easier! Shame this person didnt receive...
  17. stacy


    what did you search? screen cages? I looked myself, didnt find many very small, think I wasn't looking under right words maybe
  18. stacy

    Why does this keep happening?

    My heart really goes out to all those involved. Including the family of the shooter. I don't think I could ever get over being touched by something this tragic. I feel that the mental health of the world is completely deteriorating. Not only do people seem to be physically more and more ill...
  19. stacy


    Cool :) Hey can you put ghosts together that are different ages? I have one that's a month larger then the rest, have all my ghosts in separate habitats atm. Sue, I wana come over and play lol