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  1. reptilia5

    Miomantis caffra ooth

    I found a Miomantis caffra ooth available on e bay for $18.50 / $3.50 S/H . I am not interested in this species right now,but wanted to share this finding with anyone who might be interested in obtaining this ooth.
  2. reptilia5

    Fruit fly size for T. sinensis hatchlings

    Someone was nice enough to answer this question for me in chat but I have lost the paper I wrote it down on. What size fruit fly do I need for T. sinensis hatchlings?
  3. reptilia5

    Mold on ooths

    Is mold on ooths detrimental to the health of mantid embryos? Has anyone experienced this problem before?
  4. reptilia5

    Honey for mantises

    I have heard that some mantis owners offer honey to their mantises. I would like to know the reasons behind this and if mantises actually seek out honey in the wild. Thanks to anyone who can educate me on this.
  5. reptilia5

    Hello from KY !

    Welcome. I'm right across the bridge from downtown Louisville.
  6. reptilia5

    The Affects of Inbreeding

    Thank you for that question. I never thought about in-breeding in mantids. I breed my own rats for my Acrantophis dumerili and for credits at my local pet store. I have bred rats from the same blood line for almost 4 years. It seems to have made the rats stronger, healthier and bigger. I have...
  7. reptilia5

    U.S. Mantis Species

    Hi all. I am hoping someone can educate me on this one. How many species of mantises are found in the continental U.S. and what are the species? What other mantis species besides M. religiosa, T. sinensis and S. carolina do I need to be on the lookout for in the S.E. Indiana area? Thanks to any...
  8. reptilia5

    Does anyone breed moss mantises?

    Just googled the pics. What an amazing looking mantid.
  9. reptilia5

    3 Northern Brown Snakes That I Caught In My Backyard. Photos included.

    Thank you for stressing that. I say the very same thing all the time. There is a difference between "poisonous" and "venomous".
  10. reptilia5


    I will be using sphagnum moss with our T. sinensis since I have had good experiences using it with my reptiles and amphibians.It hold in moisture superbly,looks very natural and can be "sterilized" by rinsing and then putting it in the freezer for a few days before use.It is also naturally...
  11. reptilia5

    Homeschool Dad from Neosho Mo

    Welcome. We home-educate our son, too. Nice to see another home-education parent here. May I ask what style of home-education you use? We use the Liberal/Classical approach.
  12. reptilia5

    Dumeril's boas

    Anyone keep Dumeril's boas? I have a male and am wanting to inquire if anyone else has a male that is full grown so I can get an idea of average size. The web is so full of different "average" sizes information so I wanted to hear from keepers of these beautiful boas the size their snakes topped...
  13. reptilia5

    Hello from Indiana.

    I just found this forum and had to join. Getting ready to hatch some T. sinensis babies and enjoy raising mantids again with my son. It has been two years since we last raised mantids. Our last species was S. carolina and although he was too young at the time to really enjoy them he remembers...
  14. reptilia5

    Malaysian species

    Awesome photos. I can't get enough of these pics.How did you acquire such an amazing collection?