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  1. cloud jaguar

    Housefly culturing in 12" net cubes

    interesting Phil - please post some photos so i can grasp it better - and what is an inverted lid? :)
  2. cloud jaguar

    Video: Mantis attacks Hummingbird

    Here is a video I found online of a mantis actually attacking a hummingbird!!!
  3. cloud jaguar

    what mantis is this..

    Hey Massaman - buy and read that article and tell us more about this sp. :)
  4. cloud jaguar

    hooded mantis

    Cool bug! that one is on my 'dream mantids' list for sure! good luck working on him rebecca!
  5. cloud jaguar

    diabolica frightening pose? pffffff

    Wow - great photo~! Drizzt, can i use that in my mantispets app on facebook?
  6. cloud jaguar

    HI From California!

    Welcome to the forum - i am also from California - los angeles.
  7. cloud jaguar

    They're finally hatching/Stagmomantis floridensis

    Final tally: about 70 from the first ooth hatched over 3 days, about 60 from the 2nd ooth hatched over 3 days. I kept them indoors the whole time (about 65 at night / 75 during day) and misted them 1x a day thorougly soaking them and using humidity foam at the bottom of each pot.
  8. cloud jaguar

    Hi guys

    Welcome! I am sure you will find this forum to be a great resource with helpful and fun members!
  9. cloud jaguar

    Shooting at UAHuntsville

    sorry to hear this was so close to home for you - i can't imagine how terrible you must feel.
  10. cloud jaguar

    Gargantuan Mel Maggot!

    No pic since my wife has the camera - perhaps later tonight I can get a pic when my friends come over. I have no other type of ffs - only mels. I had to buy some at Petco since i had 1 limbata ooth and 2 floridensis ooths hatch at almost the same time! I used some of the last Petco flightless...
  11. cloud jaguar

    Gargantuan Mel Maggot!

    I made a couple of mel cultures the other day - so far lots of maggot action and many pupae but no flies yet. I just noticed what must be the largest fruitfly maggot in the history of the universe crawling around in there!!!!!! Very wierd!!! I did not let the culture mix (masa one) stand out...
  12. cloud jaguar

    They're finally hatching/Stagmomantis floridensis

    I just looked and my 2nd Stagmomantis Floridensis ooth from Yen Saw, which previously hatched out 5 nymphs 2 days ago is hatching out in one giant lump! The nymphs are crawling all over each other!!! Too bad my wife took her digital camera! It is pretty cool looking!
  13. cloud jaguar

    They're finally hatching/Stagmomantis floridensis

    Wow, cool looking one! - thanks Rick :)
  14. cloud jaguar

    Mantis comic

    :) :) :) :)
  15. cloud jaguar

    Once mels pupate, how long until feedin' time?

    My mels are running low since i have so many nymphs - i made a couple of great cultures with cardboard instead of coffe filters (man the cardboard works great) and they are full of maggots and pupae as of today - how long until the pupae hatch out so i can feed all my hungry nymphs?
  16. cloud jaguar

    They're finally hatching/Stagmomantis floridensis

    Rick, if you have any pics of them i would love to see how they look as larger nymphs :) My second ooth started hatching today - already 5 have emerged!
  17. cloud jaguar

    They're finally hatching/Stagmomantis floridensis

    Over the past couple of days 10 more appear to have hatched out = c.70 for the one hatched ooth! They don't seem super interested in eating though - i have seen them eat but definitely nothing like the gluttonous limbatas so far.
  18. cloud jaguar

    Whats happening to my Gambians

    also how often do you mist them?
  19. cloud jaguar

    They're finally hatching/Stagmomantis floridensis

    of mine, 60 hatched 43 one day - then 17 two days later. No cooling period for them.