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  1. Chivalry

    Brunneria nymphs

    Yeah I did exactly that (electrical tape and all) for the oxy babies... I'll have to modify some 32 oz for the Brunners.
  2. Chivalry

    Brunneria nymphs

    Having a hard time keeping these Brunneria hatchlings alive... what gives? They're separated in deli cups, about 85-90 degrees during the day (probably 65 at night), misting once a day, feeding mels and I have seen them eating. Ventilation is the only thing I can think of that might not be...
  3. Chivalry

    Outside pets

    I LOVE interacting with my outside sinensis kids. The other day I went to turn on the garden hose and this little guy was on the deck railing about three feet above me looking down and going, "Hey lady, whatcha doing?" When I went up to say hi he spazzed though. Because that's what they do...
  4. Chivalry


    Can I get an ID or a rough guess on this little guy? Sorry the pics are so crappy, I took them with my phone. He (or maybe a whole hatch, I'm assuming he's a nymph) was hanging around my craft table all weekend a few weeks ago and brought a smile to my face every time I spotted him. Also had...
  5. Chivalry

    what are the most communal species?

    Oxyopsis gracilis are great :)
  6. Chivalry


    Glad it's not the conditions I'm keeping them in. Thanks for the info. :(
  7. Chivalry

    Sexing spinies

    Very helpful, thanks!
  8. Chivalry


    My gemmatus that was bred is laying ooths like crazy and doing awesome... the four others who were not bred have laid 1 sad ooth between them, and one died this afternoon. I'm sure she was eggbound and I'd hate to lose the others. Is there a point of no return here? They're all huge except...
  9. Chivalry

    Most Glutenous Mantis??

    Creo wins hands down. My lobata is actually sort of a delicate eater. Majuscula prob #2 of my guys.
  10. Chivalry

    Brunneria borealis

    I think mine are taking mels. They are kind of shy eaters.
  11. Chivalry


    Carey is always really quick to ship the flies I order and I have had great experiences buying mantises from her as well.
  12. Chivalry

    what mantis species is the strongest?

    Yeah they had it moving around like it was 2-legged (Godzilla). Still pretty funny.
  13. Chivalry

    Think I'm hooked

    I was gone when something that could fit on my thumbnail turned its head and looked at me. And I still smile every time one of mine does that.
  14. Chivalry

    Think I'm hooked

    I was gone when something that could fit on my thumbnail turned its head and looked at me. And I still smile every time one of mine does that.
  15. Chivalry

    Bottlefly log!! WARNING GROSS PICS!!!

    Man I wish I had no sense of smell when it comes to the flies. Yuck.
  16. Chivalry

    Sexing spinies

    My P. wahlbergii nymph is L4 now, I was wondering, how early can you sex these guys and do you count spines or what? Still pretty tiny and dark colored :)
  17. Chivalry

    Brunneria borealis ooths not hatching!!

    My ooths from Carey started hatching 3 days ago. Patience... took 4 months since I got them!
  18. Chivalry

    Sub-adult Ghost female

    Wow what an awesome pic. My green one turned kind of beige-y.
  19. Chivalry

    Spiny Flower Mantis nymph

    I LOVE these little guys. Mine is L4 now and starting to lighten up :) It seems to be some kind of social thing between mantises and isn't really a threat pose, more of a... mantis gang sign :)
  20. Chivalry

    Think I'm hooked

    Welcome to the addiction... they are SO cool :)