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  1. Chivalry

    Agent A's Creo Comparison!!!

    great reference! I may have some useful pics. Male C picti (ogling my female) Female picti, freshly molted to adult. And a pair of my gemmatus, female above, male below. Photo's a little dark.
  2. Chivalry

    My Butterfly Garden

    Gorgeous! Do the fuschia rebloom? Mine quit blooming for now.
  3. Chivalry

    Miomantis paykullii parthogenetic ?

    They're in my top 3 favorite species. I have all females, and yes, they produce fertile ooths without a mating, although I hear hatch rates are much better from a mated female. They are small, busy, great hunters, really curious and friendly (if you open the container they always head out to...
  4. Chivalry

    Best Substrate

    Seconded. I found a 1" sponge cushion at Hobby Lobby (I'm sure any craft store would have it) that I can cut to fit my containers.
  5. Chivalry


    I've wanted to for years but I don't have anyone to do it with and I'm a little nervous about going by myself. There is a really cool app for my phone that marks the caches for you.
  6. Chivalry

    Spiny's Got His Groove On

    I got my spinys from Rich yesterday... man are they cute! I took a little bit of video with my iPhone, then decided his moves demanded a soundtrack.
  7. Chivalry

    Breeding Chinese Mantids- tips?

    Are you sure on your sexing? I have a heck of a time sexing T sinensis nymphs.
  8. Chivalry

    Creos overly scared of each other??

    I've seen that. Not sure what it is but I think it is a different behavior. If only we humans were not so olfactorily impaired.
  9. Chivalry

    Slow to empty gut

    Wait... does the mantis goddess require sacrifices other than the ones I am already feeding her children?
  10. Chivalry

    Slow to empty gut

    Some sort of blockage was my thought too, with necrosis resulting from it. Thanks as always for the info everyone.
  11. Chivalry

    mesquito hawks

    They're sub now but it was last instar... Plenty big enough, they just didn't care to eat them for some reason.
  12. Chivalry

    Some of them.

    What is the P. aeruginosa sitting on?
  13. Chivalry

    Blue Bottle Food Question

    I really like the fly food, it's much less messy than honey.
  14. Chivalry

    A few random pics

    My female had a bit of a rough last molt, her underwings stick out and look like a ruffly skirt. I don't think it'll bother her much, though.
  15. Chivalry

    Miomantis hatchlings

    If they sat still I could tell you that. Looks like a dozen-ish.
  16. Chivalry

    Rich Sekerman

    I think the real test of an honest businessperson is when something goes wrong. I ordered 3 P. wahlbergii from Rich and one of the lil guys didn't make it (they were L1). Rich refunded the cost of the casualty and even offered to refund part of the shipping. The other two are doing well...
  17. Chivalry

    Crickets vs Roaches

    I've been buying crickets from a local pet store at 7 cents per, which seemed steep to me since the H. majuscula can eat a couple a day, so I got some from Grubco that averaged 3 cents each but I have had MASSIVE die-offs with them, so bad that I decided I don't even want to feed the nasty...
  18. Chivalry

    mesquito hawks

    Funny, I have a couple of mantids that go for the flutter on these, but my ghosts, idolos and several others will not touch them.
  19. Chivalry

    A few random pics

    Definitely male, this time I'm sure :) How are your Pnigos doing?
  20. Chivalry

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    I've noticed that too, and I've also noticed that live plants seem to matter. I had a bamboo that the L7 adored when she was little enough that it supported her well. Unfortunately I don't have decent enough light for most house plants. I find it amusing that I browse the garden center...