My Butterfly Garden


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
La Canada, California
This is my Butterfly Garden

List of Plants in my Butterfly Garden:

Common Milkweed- Asclepias syriaca/ Host Plant for Monarch caterpillars/ Nectar Source for multiple butterfly species

Tropical Milkweed- Asclepias curassavica/ Host Plant for Monarch caterpillars/ Nectar Source for multiple butterfly species

Golden Milkweed- Asclepias tuberosa/ Host Plant for Monarch caterpillars/Nectar Source for multiple butterfly species

Passionfruit Vine- Passiflora edulis/ Host Plant for Gulf Fritilary caterpillars/ Nectar Source for Gulf Fritilary butterflies

Passion Vine- Passiflora caerulea/ Host Plant for Gulf Fritilary caterpillars/ Nectar Source for Gulf Fritilary butterflies

Lantana- Lantana urticoides/Nectar Source for multiple butterfly species

Ceanothus-Ceanothus concha/ Host Plant for the Ceanothus Moth

White Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies

Purple Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies

Blue Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies

Red Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies

Dill- Anethum graveolens/ Host Plant for Anise Swallowtail caterpillars/ Nectar Source for Anise Swallowtail buterfies

Fennel- Foeniculum vulgare/ Host Plant for Anise Swallowtail caterpillars/ Nectar Source for Anise Swallowtail buterfies

Fuchsia- Fuchsia regia/ Nectar Source for Hummingbird Moths

Plum- Prunus ???/ Host plant for Polyphemus Moths

Hummingbird Sage- Salvia spathacea/ Nectar source to Skippers and Hummingbird Moths

Lavender- Lavandula angustifolia/ Necar Source for Skippers

Thistle- Asteraceae ???/ Host Plant for Painted Lady caterpillars/ Nectar Source for Painted Lady and Swallowtail butterflies

Agent A- Let me know if you want some thistle ;)

I also have some small unidentified flowers and some unknown sages

(I only took pictures of the plants that are out of dormancy, most of the plants I have in my butterfly garden are still in their dormancy period)

My Plum tree


Unknown Sage


Fuchsia (Just got out of dormancy)


Passionfurit vine that is now fruiting


Tropical Milkweed


Purple Buddleja (Its the only one that has bloomed so far)


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Foxglove that is blooming!




Some unknown plants


More unknown flowering plants


An adult Monarch butterfly from when I was raising them last year


Please ask if you are curious about anything ;)

(This will be updated periodically as the year goes on... When more butterflies are out and about)

Sorry about the blurry pics

Swallowtails are very hard to breed in captivity

Skippers Are impossible to feed when they are young.

I would say that any nymphalidae species is best

I will have monarchs in September or October.

Gulf Fritillaries might not breed readily in captivity without a passionvine present near them

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I use to raise swallowtails they wernt to hard. Just get lots of parsley...

My garden is VERY big. But it is kinda of ugly looking cause most of the plants are still bare twigs without leaves. I will keep updating this page with progresion of growth and any insects that I find. I think I will buy some caterpillars online ;) (Swallowtails and Painted ladies) I will get monarchs late sumer and I will probally sell some here...

My garden is taking up almost all of our backyard lol. My moms ask me to trim it down but she regrets saying that when she sees butterflies near landing near it. She says it is beautiful.

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Is yours in sun or shade? This species prefers shadeand wont plum when it is too sunny. They love water so dont be afraid to water it alot. If yours is in the shade you can expect more buds in a good 1-2 months

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No butterfly bushes? Those things are like crack to butterflies. We have a few.

I have four butterfly bushes. The 6th pic is of my purple one (It is the only one that has bloomed so far.)

They are called Buddlejas

I have these-

White Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies

Purple Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies

Blue Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies

Red Buddleja- Buddleja davidii/Nectar Source for most California butterflies


I goes common name/ scientific name/ host plant ( food for the caterpillars) or nectar source

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My Lavender is getting big! I should trim it down


My Euctalyptus tree forest behind my house


Tropical Milkweed


My Golden milkweed coming out of dormancy, notice the new growth


An unknown sage


A rose!!!

