My Butterfly Garden


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No butterfly bushes? Those things are like crack to butterflies. We have a few.
i pissed a guy off yesterday because he had a butterfly bush in his front yard and i kept catching stuff off it to feed my mantises (that in and of itself made him mad) and in the process i accidentally smacked off half the plant's top growth with the net :lol: :blush:

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i pissed a guy off yesterday because he had a butterfly bush in his front yard and i kept catching stuff off it to feed my mantises (that in and of itself made him mad) and in the process i accidentally smacked off half the plant's top growth with the net :lol: :blush:
Oh dear!
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Hey everybody,

Sorry for not posting for a while I kinda got side tracked lol


Since my house is in the woods we have natural growing weeds/grass and every year the grass gets tall and becomes a fire hazard so we have to cut it down. The people you cut the grass/weeds down, cut down 3 of my buttefly garden plants and litttered my garden with dead/cut grass. They cut down 1 of my Hummingbird sages and 2 of my Snapdragons thinking they were "weeds". It will be months before the grass blows away and it will take half a year before those plants reach their original size.

:( :( :(

Some Gulf Fritillary pics to come soon!

Hey everybody,

Sorry for not posting for a while I kinda got side tracked lol


Since my house is in the woods we have natural growing weeds/grass and every year the grass gets tall and becomes a fire hazard so we have to cut it down. The people you cut the grass/weeds down, cut down 3 of my buttefly garden plants and litttered my garden with dead/cut grass. They cut down 1 of my Hummingbird sages and 2 of my Snapdragons thinking they were "weeds". It will be months before the grass blows away and it will take half a year before those plants reach their original size.

:( :( :(

Some Gulf Fritillary pics to come soon!
u should set some bear traps in the grass so the next time they come to cut the grass justice is served... :devil: :shifty: :tank: :2guns: :devil2:

Many people think that awesome means cool but it means something like perfect or everything like God.
How right you are my friend!

Hey just found this and I am going to kidnap you and make u work in my yard! how lovely you have such beautiful plants. Years ago, before my back broke working with hubby, I had a beautiful flower garden going, maybe I look for the pics, but all I Have left are the hibiscus plants, dinner plate varieties and some sandwich size, if you or anyone wants seeds, let me know and I will send them, they are easy to raise and come back year after year... AW! I see Abbys big paw in the pic!


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Awesome garden! But make sure no one eats the foxglove!!! Those things are deadly!!! :eek: Also, do you have good luck with attracting butterflies/ caterpillars? I try and no caterpillars whatsoever

From my Passion Vine I have gotten MANY Gulf Fritillary Butterflies. This is my 2nd generation of raising them

From my Milkweed last year I got 52 caterpillars

From my Fennel I have gotten 12 Anise Swallowtail caterpillars 2 years ago.

From my thistle I got 1 freaking Painted lady!

Thats it so far. I hope to find more this year.\

In your Signiture it says you have found a monarch! Where did you find it?

What other cats do you have?

I have seen monarchs here, but I dont know much about cats at all, I do have pic of one I will try to post later and u can tell me what it is.

I have seen monarchs here, but I dont know much about cats at all, I do have pic of one I will try to post later and u can tell me what it is.
I am very good with butterfly species, so if you post the picture I would be happy to help.

You dont have to kidnap me. I have already packed my bags and got a one way train ticket!!!!!!jk lol

In your Signiture it says you have found a monarch! Where did you find it?

What other cats do you have?
Found my monarch cat on a milkweed plant at my grandparent's house. They live out east on long island :)

Also out there i found an endless amount of leafrollers. The two mystery sp cats are also from there. I think #1 is a polyphemus!! *fingers crossed*

Currently I have monarchs, polyphemus, roland's sallow, leafrollers, and a Nadata gibbosa! Found 'em all last weekend. Hoping to soon raise Graellsia isabellae or Antheraea yamamai

I found this little guy when I went on a hike above my house


This little guy was hopping around my garden


Gorgeous unknown plant that attracts a lot of butterflies and hummingbirds



My Orleander





African Violet something... (Sorry thats its blurry)


