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  1. Chivalry


    Seconded. Lost my C. picti male before I got them bred and my poor girl just keeps laying...
  2. Chivalry

    Common species kept list?

    Not seeing Miomantis spp.
  3. Chivalry


    Well I definitely will have some to share.
  4. Chivalry


    Where do you live? I haven't seen any action out of my garden ooths here in TN yet.
  5. Chivalry


    My little M. Paykullii has been busily producing oothecae since becoming adult (2 so far, probably another any day). Didn't have a male so she was not mated. I knew they were parthenogenic so I had the ooths parked in a little tiny portion cup to set up for hatching later. It's only been a...
  6. Chivalry

    H Majuscula, any one else get an ooth yet?

    Hmm. I have a male surplus on these, now 3 boys 1 girl. Anyone have the opposite problem? They're subadult. They're def in my top 3 fave!
  7. Chivalry

    What to do before a mating?

    Finally got mine to connect. Yay!! I had to leave them in a net cube overnight together. DO make sure he is fed. I made the mistake of not feeding the male well the first time, and he attacked the female, which has left ME really twitchy about leaving them together. She was ok but I never did...
  8. Chivalry

    Creos overly scared of each other??

    Ooh... thanks for the calling pic, it's helpful. I almost never see mine doing that. Hmm.
  9. Chivalry

    Brunneria borealis ooths not hatching!!

    Thought I'd commiserate... me too. I did not put mine in cold temps.
  10. Chivalry

    your favorite mantises

    It'd be sooo hard for me to pick one favorite. For beginner friendly I have 2 recommendations. One that I don't hear a lot, Miomantis paykullii if you like active, friendly, and doesn't get very big. We LOVE ours. I also adore my Hierodula majuscula. Very striking, very big, not too jumpy...
  11. Chivalry

    your favorite mantises

    Anyone I might know? :D Yes -- in my experience they mismolt like crazy, get legs stuck like crazy. I'd say I pulled stuck legs out of exoskeletons about 40% of the time, BUT I only lost one. And, after about L4 it gets a lot better. I had thought to release these guys into my garden...
  12. Chivalry

    Male ghost

    I have a batch of subadult ghosts, and only 1 of them male. Anyone have a male within an instar or two they'd be willing to part with?
  13. Chivalry

    Micro Mantis Eats! Yersiniops sphodronica L1 (video)

    I love it. It kind of amazes me that certain... I dunno what to call it, mannerisms, behaviors, seem consistent across species. This one's head seems too big for her.
  14. Chivalry

    Put my website online today

    Well my pictures are mostly :poop: but you are welcome to them. Website is in my signature. Planning to take some more in the near future, as everyone is 2 molts past the newest one on the site now. Looks good... appreciate the majuscula care sheet as that's the first one I've seen...
  15. Chivalry

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    I am using a combo of shelf liner (similar to the carpet liner but more densely woven - their feet were getting thru the stuff i originally had in there) with natural material rug-hooking grid over that, then sticks supported by LLCoolJew's awesome foam idea. This is 3 currently L5's in a 12 x...
  16. Chivalry

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    I'd love to hear more about your net cube modifications.
  17. Chivalry

    She Will Take Over The World

    Seems like I should clarify based on my poor sentence structure... took her 4 hours to EAT the cricket. 0.7 seconds flat to catch it.
  18. Chivalry

    She Will Take Over The World

    Sorry I've been a little MIA guys, just busy. Little Mio laid her first ooth (unmated) the day before yesterday, and today she's a spitfire... running around, ate a cricket I wasn't even sure she could catch (took her 4 hours!) and then she was hanging out with Russ while he was playing...
  19. Chivalry


    I'd tape it. Painters tape comes off easy.
  20. Chivalry

    How much is too much?

    I usually drop crawly things next to a mantis I have either out or sitting on its lid. Don't be surprised if you get a 'what the cr*p is THAT??????' reaction the first time. Even hungry, hungry creo had to watch hers a while before she decided it was prey. I haven't had much success putting any...