How much is too much?


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Active member
Feb 24, 2012
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So I am now up to 4 L2 "Blue Flash" mantids and I have been throwing in around ten ff's every time I notice they are down to two or three left. And since they molted they have been voracious hunters! Especially my #2 specimen. So... is it ok if an L2 "Blue Flash eats 3 D. Hydei a day? Should I institute a "diet" of sorts? And does anyone know when I should bump them up to houseflies? They molted about two to three days ago and have seriously doubled in size, lol.

I usually try a small housefly when the nymph is about the same size as a small housefly. it is fun to watch the one brave nymph who will pull the trigger the first time...just make sure none are getting ready to molt. so my guess is at L2 they are not there yet, I haven raised any blue flash but my Sp. Lineola was quite the brave hunter as a nymph.

So stick to hydei for a bit longer. pop In all you want I have never had any "over-eat"

Ok, sweet :D I do enjoy my little gluttons!

So, do you think L3 or L4 I should swap them to hf's?

Don't try to count fruit flies. Keep an eye on the abdomen. It should be nice and plump, not bursting and not flat either but plump. If it isn't feed more and if it looks like bursting hold off a couple feedings.

I've actually been thinking about just holding off until I can make the jump to BB's... From what I've read they don't have a sudden dip in production after the first week like HF's, but I also read it's had to breed them and create your own little farm. One of the things I liked about my mealworms was how easy it was to keep a constant supply around, lol. Too bad mantids wont eat them.

They won't? Mine have eaten them before and they also like silk worms. I raise my own BB, FF, dubias, and will attempt silk worms when the time comes. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm


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Don't try to count fruit flies. Keep an eye on the abdomen. It should be nice and plump, not bursting and not flat either but plump. If it isn't feed more and if it looks like bursting hold off a couple feedings.
this is great advice and should be the standard reply to such a question.


They won't? Mine have eaten them before and they also like silk worms. I raise my own BB, FF, dubias, and will attempt silk worms when the time comes. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

OMG, I never thought of giving them silkies!!!

hmmm, I wonder what my Majusculas would think about a great big hornworm? oh, but the mess and I would have to dangle it from a string to make it move enough. silkies would be worse. they just sit there and pray to the hevens.


I usually drop crawly things next to a mantis I have either out or sitting on its lid. Don't be surprised if you get a 'what the cr*p is THAT??????' reaction the first time. Even hungry, hungry creo had to watch hers a while before she decided it was prey. I haven't had much success putting any kind of grub in a container tho.

Ok, so I had a surprise molt last night and now I am looking at a beautiful (and slightly gigantic) L3 "Blue Flash." The fruit flies are only about as big as it's head (maybe a smidge longer, but not by much). Will it still eat the Hydei or do I need to bump it up? And exactly how big is a BB anyways?

BB for modern day BB guns are 0.171 to 0.173 inches (4.34 mm to 4.39 mm) in diameter. :lol: I couldn't help myself.

Blue Bottle flies range from 10-14mm. :D Thanks wikipedia.

So can a L3 Blue Flash which is about 20mm from head to end of the abdomen take on a 10-14mm BB

I didn't think so... some people are saying to give them a prey item no bigger than themselves but I didn't know if that meant mass or actual measured size.


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