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  1. Chivalry

    Rant :D

    Seconded. I do my best to research before I ask a question but I am certain I sound like a noob because I am. I don't keep gongys and I don't know how easy they are to sex but I have a hard time sexing almost any nymphs with certainty, until they're pretty big. Just my two pennies. I very much...
  2. Chivalry

    Bug wrangler helps with catching and feeding

    Went to visit our horses the other day and my hubby was running around grabbing grasshopper nymphs to stick in a horse feed bucket and feed to the crew at home. We are crayzeeee! :D
  3. Chivalry

    Little help here, please!!

    Big plastic jar is free with the pretzels or cheesy poofs. The only thing you really have to spend money on is food, or they'll eat each other till theres one. If you can find a local pet store with fruit fly cultures they are not expensive, or you can buy online but shipping can be pricey.
  4. Chivalry

    I found out how to do this!

    Those are great! Are you using a light box? My female is sub and the male I think presub.
  5. Chivalry

    Warm Weather = Insects

    I've been doing the crazy lady on the porch with the chair and the cup catching moths thing again.... man do my bugs LOVE moths! Here in TN we're seeing 70s this week, the daffodils have been up for a month, and today I noticed redbuds, magnolias, pears and plums blooming, and the spring...
  6. Chivalry


    I thought this was spiffy and will be trying it.
  7. Chivalry

    BB fly extraction cup

    Haha, thanks for the laugh!
  8. Chivalry

    L-2 Ghosts together

    I had 2 mismolts at lower instars, moved my 5 L3s to a 12" net cube and no more mismolts. I personally think ventilation is pretty important for these guys, based on my limited experience. They're something like L5 now and no fatalities from mismolt or cannibalism. I'll probably separate...
  9. Chivalry

    My Idolo lives in a towel like a taco!

    You're an awesome bugmom :)
  10. Chivalry

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    Couple of noob questions and thoughts. My first one is still solo at L4 (I think will molt to 5 soon), and the trio I got later are just molting to L4. Are they likely to do okay together? I currently have the trio in the ZooMed and the first one is and has been separated; I'd really like to...
  11. Chivalry

    Molting correction unsuccessful?

    I had an L2 "Tripod" (S viridis) who now has all legs and they are perfect, 2 molts later. A Creo missing part of a raptorial hasn't grown any of it back on a subsequent molt, however.
  12. Chivalry

    this is what happens when you don't mist...

    I have the Idolos in a ZooMed terrarium and I am having a hek of a time keeping humidity up in there with a 60 watt bulb on it. I spray the cr*p out of it and an hour later we're back to 30%. Substrate is coco bark. Suggestions?
  13. Chivalry


    Traded some T sinensis babies for flies... Wow the hatch rates on the houseflies are great.
  14. Chivalry

    Please help me out here

    They do mismolt a lot... I've had several get their back feet stuck. I watch them pretty closely and if I catch it soon enough I seem to be able to mist them free of it and they end up okay. I will have some L2 sinensis nymphs ready to go this week if you'd like some.
  15. Chivalry

    How to determine gender for L3/L4 Idolomantis diabolica

    Thank you so much for this info and excellent clear pics!!
  16. Chivalry

    Legal Release in South Florida

    Has this poor woman gone out with you again? You're going to give someone a heart attack!
  17. Chivalry

    So, help me formulate plan B

    An update: since this episode he has ignored a cricket for hours (I removed it) yesterday then today decapitated and discarded a BBF. Does this mean hunger was not the reason he attacked her? He's also been more active and agitated than normal. Kali so far seems fine.
  18. Chivalry

    Legal Release in South Florida

    Harry, I don't think he has nymphs, I think he is looking for a species to have outside, though I'm not sure if for pest control or just to watch them. If you build a habitat for them, they will stay. They seem to love my herb garden and laid 6 oothecae out there, and I'm sure there are dozens...
  19. Chivalry

    So, help me formulate plan B

    Wow... I feel like an idiot :( I hope my noob ness doesn't end up killing her. Anything I can do to prevent infection?
  20. Chivalry

    So, help me formulate plan B

    My pictis have been adults for 3 weeks now. This afternoon, following Rick's suggestions, I put him on a laundry basket in my bathroom, let him settle in a bit, then brought her in, put her in front of him facing away, and gave her a waxworm. He's super flighty. He voyeured for several...