So, help me formulate plan B


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2011
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My pictis have been adults for 3 weeks now. This afternoon, following Rick's suggestions, I put him on a laundry basket in my bathroom, let him settle in a bit, then brought her in, put her in front of him facing away, and gave her a waxworm. He's super flighty. He voyeured for several minutes while she was eating, and then when she moved, he jumped on her and started biting her!

I've been feeding him kind of lightly thinking to keep him light for escape because I was sure she would be the one to attack him (she is a pig). She is oozing a little blood on the side of her thorax but I think she'll be okay (anything I need to do for that? it's pretty much stopped now).

Obviously, I need to feed him better and wait a bit. How long? Did I do something wrong here, or does anyone have another suggestion for how to go about this?

I'm gonna be super paranoid when he jumps at her next time... I have been getting myself used to the idea of her eating him but she's my first mantis baby and obviously it matters more if she is hurt in the breeding scheme of things.

It happened to my chinese mantids before. I stopped it on time. Try feed male some. Hope she's alright! I:[

yes, if he is hungry she is food, I always feed the males every other day, they may not eat, but it is there if they want it, lucky he did not kill her.

Wow... I feel like an idiot :( I hope my noob ness doesn't end up killing her. Anything I can do to prevent infection?

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She will be fine. Things happen. I don't normally feed the female when introducing because I want her to move away from him. I found that feeding has little bearing on whether or not the male is eaten.

An update: since this episode he has ignored a cricket for hours (I removed it) yesterday then today decapitated and discarded a BBF. Does this mean hunger was not the reason he attacked her? He's also been more active and agitated than normal.

Kali so far seems fine.

Maybe Kali wasn't releasing pheremones then and he perceived her as a threat??? Not sure but I think it's safe to try again

I breed my creos by putting the male on a desk or the floor (if he is on the lid of the cage I remove it and put it on the floor with him facing up

Then I put the female and inch or do in front of him and her movement usually gets his attention

He usually grabs her with his claws then gets on and connects

Hope this helps :)
