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  1. C

    Back in the game

    hello guys, maybe some people remember me, even though i didnt post much. I was here in 2016 while being the proud owner of a sphodromantis lineola that passed away in april 2017. After that i bought a gecko teratoscincus roborowskii which was very interesting but i sold it as i  wanted some...
  2. C

    My Mantis is dying...

    She is kind old now, got her in august and she was already L3... I didnt think it would make me so sad to see her in this state... One of her leg was black for a few days, i fed her yesterday, and saw that she wasnt moving much.... not really agressive towards its preys (its a sphodromantis...
  3. C

    Is it ill ???

    My sphodromantis lineola has been spending a lot of time doing nothing, she ate last week but it has been at least 4 or 5 days i havent fed her and she still is fat. She got black spots on the abdomen and i havent see her poo for a long time as well. She is also moving her abdomen in a weird...
  4. C

    How to film my mantis eating a fly ?

    Thing is that if i film her eating a fly i need to close the vivarium and then we will see reflection on the windows and the film will not be really good looking... I wanted to do a slow mo with my iphone but i think it's almost impossible because it takes some time until she notice the fly and...
  5. C

    My exoterra nano natural terrarium

    Tell me what u think of it. Tell me if you have any question about it. It's 100% natural and is only lacking some springtails to clean and eat the eventual mould.
  6. C

    Before and after molt

    Before: During the molt: She is still stucked in the molt... she is moving around with the molt stuck on her abdomen... is it bad ?
  7. C

    Is she gonna molt ?

    I proposed some honey yesterday and she didnt ate it. She ate it the first time i gave it to her. Since one or two day she is really inactive at the bottom of the cage. Is she gonna molt ? I don't know when was the last molt, but on friday it will be 2 weeks since i got her. I'm really scared...
  8. C

    VIDEO: is this normal ?

    Look at it, especially at the end, she is shaking and having some spasms. It's a sphodromantis lineola. Is it normal ? And when she moves she seems to be trying to find a place to put her legs but she shakes while doing it...
  9. C

    My grasshopers are dying

    I keep grasshopers to feed my mantis but some of them (5 on 25) died. I keep them in a 20x30x20 faunabox (maybe a little smaller i didnt measure it). I feed them carrots and lettuce but i found 2 of them dead on the lettuce. I use some hygienic paper as a substrate, i mist their food with water...
  10. C

    I think one of the legs is missing

    It's the front leg look at this picture: She got the 2 "claws" but only one leg at the front. It's like there is a bit missing.... Is it normal ? Will she maybe grow it later ? Seems weird cause on one side she got it and not the other.
  11. C

    Hello from Switzerland

    I already made some threads but forgot to introduce myself so here it is. I'm 21 year old from Switzerland. I study philosophy and geography at the university, since I'm a kid I always loved all kind of animals. Always wanted some gecko or lizard, but never got one. I started being interested...
  12. C

    Getting a home for my first mantid

    I will soon buy a sphodromantis lineola, I will house it in an exoterra nanotall, it's expensive but looks nice and clean as it will be in my studio, i really want something that looks nice and fits in. I would love to keep it natural, but i m a complete noob in making terrariums. Which...
  13. C

    Completely new, have a few questions.

    Hello, I'm really happy that I finally found an active community about mantids. I have always been fascinated by mantids and I decided that I would like to keep one of them so I have a few questions: 1) Does it make sense to only buy one mantis and not do breeding and all that stuff ? I don't...