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  1. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    Update: My Phyllocrania paradoxa actually molted on 6 September. Now she is eating. Once every like 4 days, but she is eating! EDIT: Actually I believe this could be caused by the temperature getting lower.
  2. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    And today, force feeding didn't worked. So, I hope she is just in premolt now because there is no way to make she eating at the moment!
  3. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    This don't work! Tried! The only way to make she eat is force feeding!
  4. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    Thank you! Temperature is at this value, it used to be also higher. And unfortunately I don't have flies, otherwise I would have used them! Just got crickets (I red that aren't so good so I'm not feeding them to the Phyllocraniae), cockroaches and Tenebrio molitor larvae. I will for sure.
  5. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    I spray his enclosure once every other day!
  6. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    I keep them separeted. Anyway it is strange because she act like and should be in premolt (fat enough and sitting there, moving slowly) but she do this since she started fasting (so, clearly too much to be in premolt). I don't know. Keeping my finger crossed! :(
  7. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    She attack them but I believe she do it just when they are annoying her. So, not for eating but just to scare them! Don't know if it makes sense!
  8. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    I think a well fed L6 mantid can do it for 2-3 weeks (absolutely not advisable anyway). As I said, I had to force feed some Tenebrio molitor larvae to her!
  9. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    Yeah, but I'm talking about something that is 2-3 weeks long (clearly I had to force feed she in the while, trying to do it the less I can, but I thought it was essential). Really don't know. It is really hard to understand them! Ahahah!
  10. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    Yeah, obviously, as all mantis and arthropods in general, but why is she fasting if not in premolt? That's what I'm wondering!
  11. L

    Hello and a fast question from Italy!

    Hi everyone, I'm Lorenzo, from Italy. I'm in love with mantis since something like 5-6 years ago. Recently I've also opened a Youtube Channel about arthropods in general but for now there is 3 of 4 videos about mantis. (have a look if you want: Arthropods Channel) What I'm wondering is this...