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  1. L

    1 week-molted adult H. Membranacea not eating?

    Thank you, I think I will have to try that--I'm a bit weak of heart but I'll bring myself to do it, hahaha.  xD  Thank you for the suggestion!
  2. L

    1 week-molted adult H. Membranacea not eating?

    My adult male H. Membranacea molted over a week ago; he seemed to have come out fine, one wing ended up a little crinkled but otherwise he looks normal and healthy, but for some reason he just won't eat!  I've tried putting in crickets and bluebottle flies; at first he struck at them a little...
  3. L

    Hierodula Membranacea scabs on knees?

    I suspected as much, but thank you for clarifying!  
  4. L

    Hierodula Membranacea scabs on knees?

    Just wondering if anyone else has encountered something like this before?  Noticed recently that my adult female Hierodula Membranacea (Giant Asian Mantis) has black scab-like things on her back-most pair of legs at the joints, and had a drop of greenish fluid on one earlier when she was moving...
  5. L

    Looking for male adult Hierodula Membranacea

    Hello, I'm interested in buying a male adult Hierodula Membranacea, I'm based in California.  Please PM me if you have one for sale/know of where I could get one!
  6. L

    Hierodula Membranacea rarely eating?

    Ahahaha I'm glad to hear that-!!  It's fun when you can find which plants the flies prefer--the ones around my yard seem to love my basil.  
  7. L

    Questions about breeding - Hierodula Membranacea

    Hello, I'm still fairly new to mantis-keeping but have been thinking about breeding my adult female Hierodula Membranacea (Giant Asian Mantis)!   She's already laid an ooth and might possibly be getting ready to lay another.  (On wikipedia it says the species has "very...
  8. L

    Hierodula Membranacea rarely eating?

    Gave her four flies and saw her eating one last night-!  She acted a bit defensive around them vs. actively hungry (I'm thinking she might be getting ready to lay another ooth?? her belly's pretty big) but this morning all were gone and she seems plump and happy~  Thanks for the advice...
  9. L

    Hierodula Membranacea rarely eating?

    They're very easy to find outside at night since they're "sleeping" on the high ends of vines/leaves; I just scoop them into a cup!  I put 'em in the fridge for a bit to slow 'em down then just toss them into my mantis' cage!
  10. L

    Hello from Pasadena!

    Hello there!   I'm from Pasadena, CA, I'm fairly new to keeping bugs as pets, but I've already fallen in love with them and can't wait to try new types-!   I currently have a Giant Asian Mantis I got from the Natural History Museum Bug Fair event that they do every summer!  It's my first time...
  11. L

    Hierodula Membranacea rarely eating?

    Thank you guys very much for the advice!   I caught a fly outside last night and gave it to her; she definitely showed a lot of interest in it!  She tried to catch it several time but wasn't quite experienced at it yet; I went to bed but this morning I see no fly so I'm assuming she's eaten...
  12. L

    Hierodula Membranacea rarely eating?

    Hello, I have an adult female Hierodula Membranacea mantis who hasn't been eating very regularly.  She laid an ootheca a month or so ago but even a little while after that still had a large appetite--I was feeding her 2 crickets a day or so.  But several weeks back I noticed she wasn't really...