1 week-molted adult H. Membranacea not eating?


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Sep 18, 2018
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My adult male H. Membranacea molted over a week ago; he seemed to have come out fine, one wing ended up a little crinkled but otherwise he looks normal and healthy, but for some reason he just won't eat!  I've tried putting in crickets and bluebottle flies; at first he struck at them a little but never managed to catch any, and now he just ignores them so I'm just wondering what's going on?  I keep dripping him water and I've fed him water+honey a few times, but after the first time he hasn't really shown much interest in the honey and just strikes at my qtip.  Still energetic and responsive, but for some reason he just doesn't seem to want to eat/can't seem to catch his food.  Any clue as to what might be happening?  I know it's been cold lately (I'm in Pasadena, CA and we've been going through an unusually cold winter) but it doesn't seem to be enough to account for him not eating at all.

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Males tend not to eat much at adulthood. Keep offering him food, and he'll eventually take it. 

- MantisGirl13

What you can try offer an abdomen of a prey on tweezers and put the goo slowly on his mandibles, so he can taste it., maybe it  will trigger hunger feeling. I got 2 mantids to eat this afternoon after ignoring prey and got too thin abdomens. Males are indeed not big eaters when they are adults like @MantisGirl13 said.

Maybe yours will eat that way too, but a bit of food inside  Is better than none. Good luck

Thank you, I think I will have to try that--I'm a bit weak of heart but I'll bring myself to do it, hahaha.  xD  Thank you for the suggestion!


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