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  1. coly

    Chris Harrison

     Curious vs when I laughed too hard and scared him ❤️  From a couple days ago :)  
  2. coly

    Eating Schedule

    Thanks so much
  3. coly

    Eating Schedule

    Hello! This time last week, Chris Harrison (malaysian dead leaf) ate ten fruit flies. Since then, he's eaten none of the flies I've offered him. When should I get worried? Is this normal pre-molt behavior? Sorry about all of the questions :) I just want to make sure I'm being a good mantis...
  4. coly

    My Mantids

    Amazing pictures!
  5. coly

    Chris Harrison

    Right!!! I love how much he grooms himself it reminds me of my cats. 
  6. coly

    Chris Harrison

  7. coly

    How much should I be feeding it?

    Thanks so much you guys! I offered him seven more (he got three this morning) and he ate them all! Im a proud mom. Thanks for the advice. 
  8. coly

    How much should I be feeding it?

    Thank you! Could someone second this advice? Just want to be sure :)
  9. coly

    Chris Harrison

    Thank you!
  10. coly

    Chris Harrison

    Hello friends!  I’m going to use this thread to share pictures of my mantis whose name is Chris Harrison 🙂 Here are some we just took a couple minutes ago. 
  11. coly

    How much should I be feeding it?

    Hello! I’ve attached a picture that shows the size of my mantis. Right now, I am feeding him every other day and offering up to three fruit flies. Does this sound okay? I am basing my care off of the guide on bugs in cyberspace but want to clarify with you guys. :) edit: last he ate he would...
  12. coly

    Hello from DC :)

    Hello! My Malaysian Dead leaf mantis just arrived yesterday and I am loving it. I’m really excited to watch as they grow.  I hope this forum will help me out as I navigate being a first time mantis owner.    