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  1. spawn

    ISO: Blatta orientalis

    Seeking the oriental roach, Blatta orientalis. Please PM me.
  2. spawn

    ISO: Blatta orientalis

    Do you have Blatta orientalis? Please PM me.
  3. spawn

    ISO: Ground Skinks

    I'm looking for brown skinks, or ground skinks (Scincella lateralis). They are native to the south US, in leaf litter. Please PM me.
  4. spawn

    Wanted: Katydids

    Looking for katydids.  Please PM me. 
  5. spawn

    Wanted: powder blues & Spanish orange ISOPODS

    Looking for starter cultures of powder blue and Spanish orange isopods.  Please PM me. 
  6. spawn

    Cool mantidfly video

    *note: not my video -> see FB link
  7. spawn

    Wanted: Giant Lobster Roaches

    Seeking H. flexivitta cockroaches.  Please PM me.
  8. spawn

    WANTED: Flat Horns, Giant Lobsters, Wood Roaches

    I'm looking for Aeluropoda insignis, Henschoutedenia flexivitta, and Parcoblatta fulvescens.Please PM me. 
  9. spawn

    Anyone culturing grasshoppers or katydids?

    Caught these two today in the field (NY). Are they lubber? Toxic?
  10. spawn

    Anyone culturing grasshoppers or katydids?

    Is anyone culturing locusts, grasshoppers, or katydids? I remember someone posting a few months ago cave crickets or something gnarly like that. I'm curious about these and techniques for rearing.
  11. spawn

    From Florida, with... Lizard?

    It's a brown or Bahaman Anole. They climb trees. You should give it a bigger enclosure. That cup isn't even big enough for its feeders lol.
  12. spawn

    Wanted: Ground Skinks & Flat Horn Hissers

    I'm looking for ground skinks (Scincella lateralis). They're common in the south in leaf litter and under rocks. I'm also looking for A. insignis roaches too.
  13. spawn

    Any more cham keepers?

    Interesting info. I think they get this rep for 'no UVB' from the 'not true chameleon' labeling, so it's interesting to hear about your success in this regard. Thanks for the info. I'm on a bunch of lists and I always see them pop up for $20 a pop and I want to get them again but then I'm...
  14. spawn

    Any more cham keepers?

    Did you do anything special for their setup Mikhail? I notice almost across the board people reporting they dying very quickly after import, and I used to think maybe that's because they're so shortlived, so the ones that get captured are probably just older and slower, but I think it's...
  15. spawn

    Any more cham keepers?

    Has anyone ever had a pygmy cham live longer than 3 years?
  16. spawn

    Something AMAZING has happened...

    How much money are you making off this licensing?
  17. spawn


    It was crude but somewhat interesting. I do not understand the probe going into the back, beneath the wing, however. Given it has no spine, that seems to be highly arbitrary.
  18. spawn

    WTB: Lobster and Red Runner roaches

    Looking for 500-1000 roaches of both lobsters and lateralis. Please PM me.