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  1. eat.moss

    ISO beginner friendly mantises or ooths near tennessee

    Hi! Basically title. I keep having issues with mantises dying during shipping and shipping is getting really expensive! Is there anyone selling mantises somewhat near Tennessee so that shipping wouldn’t be so rough on the insects + expensive? Seems like most sellers are all the way in California...
  2. eat.moss

    First mantis molt- concerned

    ok and I’m glad for you but it did happen to mine so! It was a sort of fern/pine looking thing and it got caught between the leaves and punctured.
  3. eat.moss

    First mantis molt- concerned

    No it’s abdomen was punctured, I literally saw it happen! ik it’s unusual but afterwards I looked it up and read that u shouldn’t have plastic plants for them
  4. eat.moss

    First mantis molt- concerned

    I just euthanized it about 20 minutes ago. The bubble started filling with dark liquid and more blood, I think the abdomen fully ruptured. This was my first ever mantis and I’m so upset this happened. I didn’t realize plastic foliage was dangerous and it originally punctured it’s abdomen on a...
  5. eat.moss

    First mantis molt- concerned

    My mantis is molting today and I’m really worried. Last week it obtained a small puncture wound to the abdomen but it seemed to be okay, but now during the jolt there’s a large bubble of blood. Also, it doesn’t move for several minutes then suddenly flails its legs around for a few seconds. Is...
  6. eat.moss

    Hello from Tennessee!

    Gotcha! As of rn I’m only going to have one mantis, but I’ll def keep that in mind if I expand! Do you think that would be detrimentally big for a hierodula?
  7. eat.moss

    Hello from Tennessee!

    i was originally gonna get a larger species but didn't want to buy a new enclosure- I have a 10 gal bioactive tank I was hoping to use, and heard that big tanks were bad for small mantises! And yeah I'm not planning on handling much! :-))
  8. eat.moss

    Hello from Tennessee!

    Thanks! I'm hoping for a Hierodula majuscula, I think they're so neat! I'm worried about accidentally squishing a smaller species lol !
  9. eat.moss

    Hello from Tennessee!

    Hi! I'm about to purchase my first-ever mantis and I can't wait!! I'm 18 and from Tennessee, and absolutely adore insects but have never gotten to own any before now! let me know if you have any advice ! :-)