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  1. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

    Caught a wonderful moment between my youngest son and an increasingly massive Greenie today
  2. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

    Feeding after another successful molt (got stuck in the very last bit but doesn't seem to have done any harm), which turns out not to have been the last one which was a big surprise!!
  3. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

    Greenie has successfully molted! Been so nervous about this but but he seems to have had no problems at all which is a relief! Amazed how much bigger he is 😱
  4. matt.hoffmann

    Drinker Moth

    My kids and I have been keeping a Drinker Moth caterpillar that we found out on a walk near our house (we called him Colin the Catterpillar). We were fortunate enough to see him making his cocoon, and he's just emerged as an absolutely gorgeous male Drinker Moth! Drinker moths are common in the...
  5. matt.hoffmann

    a very lucky mantis😭

    On her final moult too! That's very fortunate you happened to be there 🤯
  6. matt.hoffmann

    Striking and missing

    Happy chappy!
  7. matt.hoffmann

    Striking and missing

    Thanks guys for the replies, have adjusted misting schedule and also where I'm directing it and things seem to have improved, thank you all for your support!
  8. matt.hoffmann

    Is my ghost mantis okay?

    Really glad things seem to have improved! 😁 and please do, always good to see what others are doing to combat different conditions!
  9. matt.hoffmann

    Is my ghost mantis okay?

    Hi, had a similar panic with my H. Membranacea who is at a similar/slightly later stage of development, and since I'm guessing you're worrying same as me I'm gonna dive in here 😅 Based on the feedback I got on here and some bits I read after that there is a big difference between lethargic...
  10. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

  11. matt.hoffmann

    Striking and missing

    Ah okay, sounds a lot like I'm falling into the worrying about nothing category here then 😅 which, to be fair, is where I'd rather be!
  12. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

    Greenie's got brown stretches rather than pink that's so interesting that they are so different!
  13. matt.hoffmann

    Striking and missing

    Hi, new to this so not really aware of nuances so apologies if this is a dumb question/have missed an established thread about this My Hierodula Membranacea Nymph (I5, newly acquired on Tuesday, diet of brown crickets) is striking at prey but not actually catching it. He's generally been pretty...
  14. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

    Thank you!
  15. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

    Snap! Attempted to do him justice with my phone and a magnifying glass 😅
  16. matt.hoffmann

    Giant Asian Mantis

    This is Greenie, pretty sure he's a male, Hierodula membranacea, currently 5th instar and eating mostly small brown crickets. Not sure what else you guys might want to know but happy to chat about this little guy and what I'm doing if it's of interest
  17. matt.hoffmann

    Hi from Leicester!

    Hi everyone! I am Matt from (near) Leicester, UK and I'm a very recent addition to keeping pets of any sort let alone exotic insects - decided this would be a great way to familiarise myself with insects and pets and a good introduction for my two boys (6y&2.5y). We have just got a Giant Asian...