Is my ghost mantis okay?


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Jun 9, 2024
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I am brand new at this, and was wondering if I could have help/insight. I just bought a female ghost mantis 2-3 days ago, (today marking day 3). I believe she is an L4, possibly L3. A few hours after eating on day 1, she has been on her fake plant leaf. She's drooped downward in what looks like a resting/sleep like position, but she has been staying in this same position ever since. She doesn't seem to notice me, except for if small vibrations are made. She will turn her head, then go back to that same position. I thought mantids are normally a bit more active. She also doesn't move at night either. Is she okay??
Hi, had a similar panic with my H. Membranacea who is at a similar/slightly later stage of development, and since I'm guessing you're worrying same as me I'm gonna dive in here 😅 Based on the feedback I got on here and some bits I read after that there is a big difference between lethargic (usually bad) and stationary (usually fine). Would appreciate some more experienced members correcting me if I'm wrong here but basically so long as he/she is displaying normal levels of interest in prey and is performing normal activities like cleaning him/herself then that's a good sign. I'm also given to understand mantids are diurnal so them not moving much at night doesn't seem to be unusual. In terms of spotting you, I gather some species can be quite dismissive of humans but not sure whether that's the case for ghosts!

What sort of setup have you got out of interest? If you're concerned at all the big ones seem to be humidity and ventilation, plus if you live in a colder region it might be that it's just a bit on the chilly side and she's slowed down

Hope this helps with the nerves - please please double-check what I've said with a couple of other sources (care sheets on here are awesome, and also seems to have some good information). Best of luck!
Thank you so much!! For my set up, (I'm planning on getting a better set up with a heat lamp this next week once I get my paycheck), its a vented container that is 6in tall and 4in wide, (she is a little under an inch big right now). It has coco fiber in the bottom and a fake plant (as show in the picture). I do live in a colder climate and my house is normally around 68 F, which is colder than ideal conditions but is not harmful for ghosts. But that being said, I am planning on getting a heat lamp with her new set up so she can be in a more comfortable temperature and I can also more accurately read the humidity.

Today I also gave her some honey water and she absolutely loved it! I also fed her fruit flies today. She has been much more active today and is actually moving around a bit as I'm typing this! :D

I will try and upload a picture tomorrow of the set up if I have time, I am unable to right now.
Thank you so much!! For my set up, (I'm planning on getting a better set up with a heat lamp this next week once I get my paycheck), its a vented container that is 6in tall and 4in wide, (she is a little under an inch big right now). It has coco fiber in the bottom and a fake plant (as show in the picture). I do live in a colder climate and my house is normally around 68 F, which is colder than ideal conditions but is not harmful for ghosts. But that being said, I am planning on getting a heat lamp with her new set up so she can be in a more comfortable temperature and I can also more accurately read the humidity.

Today I also gave her some honey water and she absolutely loved it! I also fed her fruit flies today. She has been much more active today and is actually moving around a bit as I'm typing this! :D

I will try and upload a picture tomorrow of the set up if I have time, I am unable to right now.
Really glad things seem to have improved! 😁 and please do, always good to see what others are doing to combat different conditions!
she seems fine to me, my ghosie always does this, she likes to dangle around on her fake plants or the mesh at the top of her enclosure. mantis can be active, but they are ambush predators so sometimes they will sit and do nothing
Take it out more and let it nose around. nothing going on in it's tank, so why ,move. Do you put in flies? Also it looks like a male to me. But a pic of back would help for sure.