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  1. L

    Yen Saw - (US)

    Yes! I have recieved my mantis. It toke a long time. They are realy good packed and I have recieved an ooth for free. Thanks Yen!!!
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    Derolatys Lobata

    Mine are also that sice. How many times they hatch now before adult?
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    Empusa pennata...?

    For me it's also a male...
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    Hymenopus coronatus male/female?

    Of great!
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    Hymenopus coronatus male/female?

    Yes, this one I have seen. But I find it's more difficult to seen it on this species
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    Hymenopus coronatus male/female?

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    Giant Eyed Nymph

    I have 3 nymphes of Pseudoempusa pinnapavonis, and they look +- the same :wink:
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    Hymenopus coronatus male/female?

    Hellow, I have 3 nymphes of this species. I don't can make the difference between male or female. 5 or 6 segments at the abdomen is not easy to see. Mabye anybody can make me sure what sex it is by placing a pic? thanks
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    Giant Eyed Nymph

    Pseudoempusa pinnapavonis?
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    I have received 2 ooths. Packaging was good and they are good shipped (America to Belgium)! Be curious when they hatch... Thanks!
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    Brunneria borealis

    Thank you! I have 3 femelles. I don't know when the are adult because there are no wings, wright? They are also parthenogenetic? So they told me...
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    wings of mantis

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    Brunneria borealis

    Hellow, can anybody tell me what the ooth of Brunneria borealis is looking like? Thank you
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    wings of mantis

    I have heard of someone that the man have the impression then that she doesn't want to mate, she looks' aggressive ' :?
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    wings of mantis

    Yesterday my woman of Plistospilota guineensis has become adult. Her wings stand right to continu. They do not fold together. Would this negative be for mating?
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    Theopompa ophthalmica

    Very beautiful. I hope I find in the future also one for myself :lol:
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    Rhombodera basalis

    Hellow, I am searching for nymphes of this species; Who can help me...? grtz
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    pollen? Honey dust? What's this?

    I have a question. about this I mix the pollen and leaves then in the same box some fruit flies. Is this sufficient because I can see no substance on the fruit flies. Do they have this then on them? What do can I?
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    Sibylla pretiosa

    Thank you very much!