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    looking for custom made acrylic cages

    Hello, is there anybody that can make me an acrylic cage? Let me know if there is someone that can make me an acrylic cage for a mantis or spider. email me at [email protected] with any info. Thanks
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    Looking for screens.

    Hello, I am trying to modify some containers i have so that they can be more appropriate for taking care of mantis. I plan on getting different kinds of flower mantis (#9 and orchid) I am looking for screens. I have some pictures that I will upload so that you can see what I am looking for...
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    I just recieved 4 gambian ooths from Yen...and actually, he sold me 3 ooths for the price of the end, he surprised me with a 4th ooth! This guy is just full of surprises.. they all arrived in a timely fashion and well packaged.. Thank you YEN!
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    Bought some more orchids from yen due to the awesome deal I had with him from my previous purchase...all i have to say is that I got what I expected..healthy mantis in a timely fashion! Thanks Yen, looking forward to buying more mantis from you!
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    Ideal setup for orchid mantis

    I am trying to raise mantis nymphs and I would like to know an ideal setup so that they can survive well. let me know what type of substrate to use so that they can have a good living. all i know is that they need misting and good humidity..but how can i maintain humidity? Thanks!
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    I highly recommend Yen. All mantids he sends arrive in a timely fashion and all are in good condition. He is also very thoughtful in giving extra mantis... thanks Yen!