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  1. P

    quick question

    Cool. We've got lots of fireflies around here, so I'll try it. :)
  2. P

    quick question

    This has probably been asked before, but can you feed them fireflies, or would the bioluminescent chemicals hurt them?
  3. P

    Molting Problems.

    Well, he died last night. I got him out of his old skin, but none of his legs were working right. Then he just died. And to answer your question, I think he was a chinese mantis.
  4. P

    Molting Problems.

    Well, I've had a few mantids die because of bad molts lately. 2 out of my 9 died while trying to molt to L3. So I tried increasing the humidity, but now another is molting and he is molting on the ground. Now his legs are stuck in the old skin. What should I do? I tried carefully pulling him...
  5. P

    How often do you guys feed them?

    I've been wondering how often you guys feed your mantids. I usually feed mine once per day, either one big adult aphid or a few baby aphids, since my mantids are just babies. Sometimes if I give them a little extra food and they're really full I'll skip a day. So what about you guys? -Scum
  6. P

    why is my mantis dancing?

    rofl!!!! Oh, that was funny. :lol: Anyway, yeah, my mantids do that a lot. They're just little babies, and it's so cute when they tilt their little heads and sway back and forth. They're such curious creatures.
  7. P


    DARKSPEED, You know, the same thing happened to a large centipede that I found in my basement. I caught it in a yogurt container, but suddenly it just flopped to the bottom and stopped moving. I dumped it out on my desk and watched it, but it just kept lying there, twitching occasionally. Other...
  8. P

    Hey, Everyone!

    Yeah, the rural part of PA is really nice. I always like driving through the mountains. Unfortunately, I live right on the edge of Philadelphia, so the closest thing to a mountain I get is the hill I live on <_< Anyway, nice to meet you all.
  9. P

    Hey, Everyone!

    I am currently tryng to hatch an ooth, I have never kept mantids before. Hopefully everything will work out and I'll have lots of healthy baby mantids, although if too many hatch I may have to give some away to my other critter-loving friends, or just keep them until the weather gets a bit...