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  1. Little baby

    Little baby

  2. Baby mantis

    Baby mantis

  3. Kalemaster

    The loss of my mantids

    For those of you who do not know, I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which was recently hit by the worst flood in its history. Sadly, many of my mantids perished as a result. I live in one of the mandatory evacuation areas, but did not evacuate. My place was not flooded, as I live on a hill, but I...
  4. Kalemaster

    WTB: Chinese Mantids

    I have a few thousand of them, all L1 or L2. I also have about 50 ooths that haven't hatched yet. I can send you all that you need. I generally only sell the Chinese ones locally, because they are pretty common, but I can make an exception, assuming that you want a whole ooth or at least a...
  5. Kalemaster

    fruitfly cultures

    I never really cared for potato cultures. I prefer oatmeal & molasses ones, because the molasses prevents mold. I have seen honey used as well, though the old molasses and oat ones were always what worked best for me. I believe that I originally got the recipe out of a book called Odd...
  6. Orb weaver

    Orb weaver

  7. A monarch caterpillar crawling up a datura plant

    A monarch caterpillar crawling up a datura plant

  8. A Chinese mantis in my garage

    A Chinese mantis in my garage

  9. Kalemaster

    Banana Slug

    Niles Biological sometimes carries them. Banana slugs are a breeding nightmare though, as they make it difficult to have continuous stock. They have both male and female genitals, and bite each others male genitals off after mating, to prevent their mate from mating again. Both get pregnant...
  10. Kalemaster

    Tenodera in my garage

    Yeah, now you see why I was so shocked. For scale, that's a newprint tube on which the mantis is standing. About the same size as a wrapping paper tube, a bit thicker. The cardboard is mayber 1/4 inch thicker, but the interior diameter is about the same, so the external diameter is probably...
  11. Kalemaster

    Tenodera in my garage

    Yeah, one would think so, but I didn't release any, so it would have had to come from somewhere else, and this was in March or early April when I found it (in Iowa), so somebody would have had to have raised it indoors for a bit, unless it was in the garage all winter, as I've never heard of the...
  12. Kalemaster

    Tenodera in my garage

    A number of years back, I had a tenodera sinensis who left an ooth attached to the lid of an aquarium. I hatched the ooth, sold the nymphs, etc. and after a few months, stashed the empty aquarium (with the remains of the ooth) in my garage. Two years later, I discovered this: I'm not sure how...