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  1. C

    Tropidomantid Nymphs

    yah very jumpy . jump in my shirt before . But 15 too much 15 riggit or what ? anyway i keep one mantis per ootheca release the rest .
  2. C

    Male eating female?

    I put a male tripidomantis tenera with a female for mating and the male ate the female ! Why ? Male died next day .
  3. C

    Are they really that ferocious??

    I found it in bukit timh hill . Ooth ... Pls note your in CALIFORNIA !
  4. C

    Are they really that ferocious??

    I found it in bukit timh hill . Ooth ... Pls note your in CALIFORNIA !
  5. C

    Are they really that ferocious??

    I found it on an pink orchid . eating a bug . i saw the half eaten bug 1st
  6. C

    ID for ooth

    Yo , there was more than 30 ants :blink: I used a match to scare them away
  7. C

    ID for ooth

    Yo , there was more than 30 ants :blink: I used a match to scare them away
  8. C

    Are they really that ferocious??

    found a orchid again :) . when i was examining it with GLOVES . It broke the glove and gave me 2 slashes . I injured it by accident .
  9. C

    ID for ooth

  10. C

    ID for ooth

    Ants -> mantis (eggs) mantis -> ants This vicous cycle works like this
  11. C

    ID for ooth

    Got eaten by ants ......................... :ranting2:
  12. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    :D I used this idea before you hang a big cloth or bed sheet ( old ones :lol: ) then u put the light behind the insects will come to the light . hang a banana if possible .
  13. C

    ID for ooth

    I live in singapore the ooth was hatch about an week or so ago .
  14. C

    ID for ooth

    Yes i found it in a orchid plant thanks alot ! Dear everyone please don't PM me to buy it thanks !
  15. C

    ID for ooth

  16. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    NO fair ! I have CPs too but not as many mantis yesterday i found one died soaking in the water of the pitcher plant ...
  17. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    NO fair ! I have CPs too but not as many mantis yesterday i found one died soaking in the water of the pitcher plant ...
  18. C

    Which mantid in SE Asia is totally brown with bright yellow eyes

    looking at its dead body it has wing really small ones , but it cannot fly .