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  1. M


    thanks guys
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    Eye problems

    I think mine is ging through that right now
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    HIERODULA Grandis eyes problems

    I heard those spots are caused by there eyes rubbing or hitting the containers walls but im not realy sure
  4. M

    Blind In right eye

    I found my mantids right eye was a very dark brown and her left eye was perfectly fine. yesterday there was a light brown spot on eah eye and today is seems the left eye is back to normal and the right eye was dark brown. And her right antenea was curled up a bit. anyone know what to do?
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    I saw that my female stagomantis had an ootheca, What do I do? The female is still n there.
  6. M

    Stagomantis breeding

    When I woke up I saw an ootheca! What do I do?
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    Stagomantis breeding

    I have a female stagomantis and I put 2 males I found last night and when I woke up both of the males were on her mating. they just finished mating and I opened the tank and 1 flew out and I cant find him but the other one had its head eaten off.
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    Poor male

    This is several days ago but I was helping my dad work on the yard and a male mantid lands right next to me. I finally found male for my female :) and my dad needed me so I put it in there and left to help my dad and my plan was for her was for me to get her to catch and eat prey and my ale...
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    Mantis eats goldfish, again

    I believe feeding a fish is the same as feeding a bug and I think they feel pain. I feel bad for what ever i feed my mantis bu I get over it.
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    ID My NM Female Mantid

    I think it is Stagmomantis californica I searched for pictures of them and they look alot like my mantid. Thanks
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    ID My NM Female Mantid

    Hi im Brandon and im new to mantids and I want to know what species of mantid I have.