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  1. Q

    Communal Question for large breeds

    I am wondering if anyone has advice involving taking only 2 or 3 mantids of a larger species than ghost or african, such as giant asian, or Religiosa and keeping them at bay with a large enclosure. I have had issues with ventilation of my enclosures due to high humidity in the spring and...
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    Euro Ooth

    Vented, yes. 32 Ounce container. The weather has been keeping in the 70's during the day and the 60's at night this week. humidity less than usual.
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    Euro Ooth

    Thanks Rick.
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    Euro Ooth

    How early should I expect a hatch? I want to keep alert around average hatch time so I can move them to their enclosures before anything unexpected happens. Also, if I notice mold or the container is too humid should I put them under a lamp for a little while? And in the opposite direction if...
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    Anybody else like turtles?

    I have a red eared slider. I couldn't tell you the age because my friend let me rescue him when his snakes needed more room. He is about 7-8 inches long now and quite an eater.
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    Euro Ooth

    I just received my Religiosa ooth from Rebbecca and this is my first one. Temperatures around here have been in the 80's and the humidity stays about 50-70% so I havent used a heat lamp. Is that a good humidity, should I spray or not, or put in a cooler room?
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    Communal Mantids

  8. Q

    Gut loading absolutely mandatory?

    Mt first few mantids were fed on crix fed on catfood and wild caught flies and moths. As of now I have 2 budwings and had a giant asian I fed crix that are fed turtle pellets, greens, and carrots. The budwings are beautifully colorful, although growing slower than I expected they are nice and...
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    Communal Mantids

    I would like to start an enclosure of communal mantids and was wondering which types were compatible? I know that ghosts and africans have a good chance to tolerate each other, but those are the only instances I have heard without any casualties. A few losses if food is low or they are...
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    Vertical or Horizontal?

    A hippy dealing ffs? Either you have a lot of pet hobbyists in the area or he ate his usual stock too quickly :)
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    Guess The Ootheca

    I dont think they look chinese either. You will know soon enough. Congrats on being a new daddy! hah... I had to on fathers day.
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    MIO's, need GONE!!!!!

    Do you still have them? PM me.
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    How much for shipping to Pennsylvania?
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    Feeding Nymphs got a little easier

    Mine molted before I got the crickets and they are still healthy now. One is a subadult and the other is a few stages behind. THey have been on crix and moths since but I think I might try that again sometime and see if they accept it once they are used to live feeders.
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    Green Lacewings

    I have been browsing many gardening sites for mantis ooths and feeder insects since they come in bulk. They have many things I know my mantis cant/wont eat but I dont know about green lacewings, everywhere has them.
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    Grasshoppers as feeder insects

    I catch grasshoppers in my alleyway whenever I can because my frogs and turtle go nuts for them. The only time I got a mantid to eat them was my giant asians who were big and strong :) but they are a feeder favorite if you can get a hold of them.
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    Orhid mantis dying!

    I think your mistake (if human error) may have been the plant. Mantids don't eat many things, but I had a few with a sweet tooth for wax and plastic materials.
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    Giant Asian Eats Her own arms ?

    If she ate both, she might have an infection that spread despite the first arm. If she lives you can hand feed her so keep trying. I have found that the key to preventing these sorts of things is a clean cage with not too much water and VERY moderated heat. I didn't account for the weather and...
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    broken abdomen

    It has been pretty hot and humid here in Pittsburgh so I have been learning lots of new things about dehydrated mantids. The droopy abdomen could be an infection, but chances are if you clean the enclosure really well and then give them enough water the appetite will come back and the belly will...