Anybody else like turtles?


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Hmm weird. Well i guess ill have to give them berries. I know my vet said strawberries make them sick, but i see them on your list so I'll have to give them a try.
Get a new vet. Seriously. <_<

Lol, yeah she doesn't do anything to help my poor ol' beagle...well he's not old but still. I'll definitely add those to my list of food to give.

Lol, yeah she doesn't do anything to help my poor ol' beagle...well he's not old but still. I'll definitely add those to my list of food to give.
It is not easy to find a reptile vet. Generally you can't take a reptile to a vet that treats mainly dogs and cats. They just are not trained to deal with them. I was lucky in finding a specialty vet that deals with nothing but exotic pets such as reptiles, birds, etc.

Your turtle will be much better off by adding those things to the diet.

I like turtles but there alot of work and stink really bad....I had two baby water turtles for like 2 years and i swear rick it never got bigger and one got sick and died on me i dont know why i feed it shrimps and they seemed to love it even gave them live mealworms but when my first died that was my fav and i got sad and gave the other one to my bro's friend but i think turtles are awsome i think ima get another one when im situated and ready to handle one i got so many pets its hard to keep tract thank god i got a calender haha but hands down turtles are cool..Rick are tortioses better and easier to raise?

I like turtles but there alot of work and stink really bad....I had two baby water turtles for like 2 years and i swear rick it never got bigger and one got sick and died on me i dont know why i feed it shrimps and they seemed to love it even gave them live mealworms but when my first died that was my fav and i got sad and gave the other one to my bro's friend but i think turtles are awsome i think ima get another one when im situated and ready to handle one i got so many pets its hard to keep tract thank god i got a calender haha but hands down turtles are cool..Rick are tortioses better and easier to raise?
If they stink you did something wrong. For water turtles you have to have very good filtration. Think of the maintenance a fish tank requires and then triple that. Hence the reason I don't do aquatic turtles anymore. That diet also was not good. As I said before proper lighting is critical too. Most people also keep aquatics in way too small of enclosures too.

I won't say if tortoises are easier because they all have their specific requirements. I do find my box turtles to be pretty easy. They do require daily interaction though. With winter coming I will get a break.

Im in the process of buying a Hingeback Tortoise -Kinixys homeana so i hope everything goes good...!!!!!....Im gonna do some researching about them..Rick do you know anything about those species??

Im in the process of buying a Hingeback Tortoise -Kinixys homeana so i hope everything goes good...!!!!!....Im gonna do some researching about them..Rick do you know anything about those species??
Not much but as I said earlier there is a forum like this but for turtles. I recommend you check it out. They have care sheets and active forums.

I have a red eared slider. I couldn't tell you the age because my friend let me rescue him when his snakes needed more room. He is about 7-8 inches long now and quite an eater.

I had Pearl river, and cagle map turtles they were pretty cool, I loved the concentric patterns on the cagle scutes and the sawback ridge of the Pearl. :D

I had an in-office pond years ago, with a dozen red-ear sliders and 2 gigantic soft shell turtles. Oh, and who-knows-how-many koi. I had a massive eco system with snails and crayfish and mosquito-eatters... it was great! I really miss it. Not the smell, so much. Or the turtles climbing out and wandering into people's office. Or the postman stumbling INTO the pond. But all the OTHER stuff... Yeah, I miss THAT!

(Thanks for reviving the thread)

I had two clutches of young turtles hatch last year from my female 3 toed box turtle. I got her when she was just a tiny hatchling herself. She did good her first year of laying. I kept one of them.

I LOVE turtles! I work with a local turtle rescue as well. I have a bunch of box turtles that live outdoors year round. I've got easterns, 3toeds, gulf coasts, floridas, and ornates. I also have many other native and exotic turtles - too many to list!

I've had success breeding North American box turtles (too much success, they breed like rabbits!), chinese box turtles, asian box turtles, and loggerhead musk turtles.

I LOVE turtles! I work with a local turtle rescue as well. I have a bunch of box turtles that live outdoors year round. I've got easterns, 3toeds, gulf coasts, floridas, and ornates. I also have many other native and exotic turtles - too many to list!

I've had success breeding North American box turtles (too much success, they breed like rabbits!), chinese box turtles, asian box turtles, and loggerhead musk turtles.
I am interested in your box turtles. Captive bred?

I remember when I saw my first turtle in the wild, I screamed turtle really loud and jumped in the water with all my clothes on to catch it, I'm talking belly flop style. It was a softshell turtle right of the Republican River in Nebraska, in a pit that farmers use to irrigate their crops. It was the size of a quarter and cuter than a button.

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A friend is trying to pawn a Russian tortoise off on us and my kids really want it. Good idea?

I'm moving to Arizona this summer and thought an outdoor tortoise might be nice (I've seen your outdoor shots, Rick). Is there anything in the tortoise hobby that might survive hot AZ weather?

Okay, the truth is the tortoise is a bit of a bribe in getting the kids excited about moving. I'd prefer an outdoors one, but we might have to settle for an indoors turtle. We have quite a few reptiles. Do tortoises smell? My friend's kid picked up their pet the other day and there was this long stringy bit of excrement. I didn't see it but I heard ALL about it. It has free reign of the house most of the time, but they want to get rid of it for reasons I'm slightly suspicious of (and completely unaware of). (If it's such a great pet, why do they want to get rid of it?)

Any advice is appreciated.

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