Help planning feeding while on vacation


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Mellie mantis

May 5, 2024
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Hi Everyone,
My hubs and I will be heading on vacation for a month. I intend to have someone living in our home while we are gone. But this person doesn't have any experience with mantises. I have an adult orchid mantis and i feed her normally 3 flies 3 times per week. I'd like to train her onto invertebrate jelly as a back up for just in case. What if our neighbor who will be living here has trouble with getting the flies to hatch, getting them into the cage, they die before she eats them (she is a crap hunter sometimes lol), they die and she doesn't get the next hatch in time, etc. So I'd like to have a back up for her too with the invertebrate jelly. But I don't know how to get her eat it. Like i put it in her enclosure and she doesn't ever think to go and eat it. She doesn't seem to get , i'm hungry, that smells good, i shall walk over and lick it. I guess this would make sense since they are normally triggered to eat by movement. So do any of you have any experience getting your mantises to eat invertebrate jelly? How have you succeeded in doing it? Did you do any special training? Any advice would be appreciated.

i haven't tried getting any of my mantids on invert jelly, but normally if you want a mantis to eat something just pressing it against their mouth parts does the trick.

a feeder that i recommend is hoppers/locusts. you can't get them everywhere but they are reliable and can live in the enclosure for a while if the mantis isn't hungry/struggles to catch them. their fairly easy to get into the enclosure with tweezers but from my experience they escape quite easily. since your mantis is an adult, she can go quite a long time without food so i'm sure she wouldn't mind a little change in her feeding schedule :3
have fun on your vacation!!!

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