Anybody else like turtles?


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Wow what the heck? A bird cage? What are you feeding it now Rick?
Feeding it the proper diet and housing it in the correct conditions.

Glad to hear the box turtle has a good home now. The eastern in the original pictures looks very similar to the box I had while I was growing up. I have a year and a half old Florida snapping turtle, and I just love the little guy/girl. Not aggressive (yet) and loves its food. It gets a little spoiled... I give it a pelleted diet, but also there are feeder guppies and ghost shrimp stocked in the tank so it can hunt its own food too. About once a week I offer frozen bloodworms or beefheart or a veggies. Can't wait until I get to make a big permanent enclosure for the little one.

Whoah old thread. But I guess since it came back I can give an update. The box turtles now have an outdoor enclosure that I made. The male I rescued is doing great now. My captive bred female who has never lived outside seem to really enjoy the new space.






I like turtles. I have a baby painted turtle who is sick and I think it's dead. I found him last June at a golf course swimming in the water there. Turtles are pretty cool. I want to get a land turtle one day.

I like turtles. I have a baby painted turtle who is sick and I think it's dead. I found him last June at a golf course swimming in the water there. Turtles are pretty cool. I want to get a land turtle one day.
Sounds like you have no business with a turtle if one is dead. Go to

Those pics of my turtle cage are funny. It is now covered in vines and plants which of course have mantids in them.

Sounds like you have no business with a turtle if one is dead. Go to www.turtleforum.comThose pics of my turtle cage are funny. It is now covered in vines and plants which of course have mantids in them.
I also had a red eared slider, well 2 of them, which later were given to a pet store. I also used to babysit a baby painter like mine. Anyway won't your turtles eat the mantids?

Arghh love em... Oriental or Eastern? I've got two :)
Never heard of oriental box turtles. My male is an eastern and my female is a 3 toed. Female is captive bred and I have had her about six years. She was just a hatchling when I got her. She lived indoors for her first five years and last summer went outdoors for good. She hibernated naturally without any issues. The male is a rescue from craigslist. He was mistreated and not care for properly :angry: for several years.

Shame what some people do. What do you typically? I give mine crickets, leafy greens, carrots, and bok choy. They're great pets in my opinion.

i don't keep turtles at the moment but im planning on getting some in a couple of month :p

any suggestions on which species i should get?

i don't keep turtles at the moment but im planning on getting some in a couple of month :p any suggestions on which species i should get?
I like box turtles. They don't need a water filter and are a land turtle/tortoise. I love mine, but if kept in a tank be prepared to clean their waterdishes constantly :p . They also liked to be handled :) .

Shame what some people do. What do you typically? I give mine crickets, leafy greens, carrots, and bok choy. They're great pets in my opinion.
Honestly it would be good to give a bit more variety. Well my female is a great eater. She gets a good variety. She is spoiled. Various lettuces/greens, bok choy, mustard greens, carrots, frozen mixed veggies, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, squash, dandelion greens, bell peppers, kiwi, insects, slugs, snails, and most other critters I can find outside. She gets the occasional pinky mouse or plain chicken breast as a treat. An occasional bit of banana too. There is more stuff but I can't remember them all right now. The more variety the better.

My male is very picky eater. He likes anything alive but the only veggie he will eat is blackberries.

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i don't keep turtles at the moment but im planning on getting some in a couple of month :p any suggestions on which species i should get?
That is a difficult question really. Aquatic turtles are more work in my opinion. If you live in an area that has the right climate you can keep many species outside. All turtles are a lot of work and you really must do your research first. Sadly, most people have no clue what they're doing and the turtles suffer. LIke most reptiles they need very specific lighting, temperatures, etc. Most also live a very long time.

Go to and get help there with your choice and your care advice. It is the mantidforum of the turtle world. THey also have good care sheets for all of the species.

Beautiful, as for the food Rick, I thought berries were poisonous to turtles. I'll have to find the source... You are right though, I should give more variety.

Beautiful, as for the food Rick, I thought berries were poisonous to turtles. I'll have to find the source... You are right though, I should give more variety.
I was wondering why they were not on your list. Berries are one of their favorite foods! None of the berries I mentioned are poisonous. Actually that is a primary food source. Those that are found in the wild are eaten heavily by box turtles. Avacado is poisonous to them I do know but not much else is. There is a pokeweed plant in my turtle pen and they even eat those berries.

You can read the diet info at this caresheet:

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Hmm weird. Well i guess ill have to give them berries. I know my vet said strawberries make them sick, but i see them on your list so I'll have to give them a try.
