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  1. E

    Favorite T

    I've been debating whether or not to a Tarantula species, but there are soooo many to choose from. So I'm looking for some other opinions. What is your favorite T? And why? Also what would you recommend? I'm a T virgin, but by no means a novice animal keeper, so it doesn't have to be too easy...
  2. E

    Keeping roaches and mantids together?

    This is a pic from another forum, showing it is possible. He put in the male because of all the FF he had and that did the job. He didn't have to feed the male again. The mantids can rest quietly because they hang off the lid, so no problems there. BTW my mantids always moult and dry off while...
  3. E

    Skin Selector... which do you use on Mantid Forum?

    I don't really like the Euphoria colors, too dark. I changed to I would prefer green though, but a lighter green. Something like pro, but in greens instead of blues.
  4. E

    Orchid Mantises Hatch

    Congrats! I hope to be able to say the same in a week or two. ;)
  5. E

    Unicorn mantids - mexicorn, texicorn and arizonae

    Great pictures and comparison. I must say I'm glad I didn't get the Peruvians when I saw them in Hamm and got some arizonae from you instead. Based on these pics I like their color much better. :D
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    Deroplatys desiccata L1 for sale

    I would ship ooths, but not nymphs. Sorry
  7. E

    Deroplatys desiccata L1 for sale

    I'm offering L1 nymphs of Deroplatys desiccata. I'm in The Netherlands
  8. E

    Some Gambian bark amntis pics

    Nice result. Interesting looking species, another one to put on the list, which is getting too long already :rolleyes:
  9. E

    Experiment to Oz

    And very hefty fines if you get caught. I'd stick to Ozzie species, nothing wrong with them and you don't have the chance of accidentally releasing a new pest. So, DON'T do it.
  10. E

    Idolo's carnivorous plants gallery

    Would you like us to leave you two alone :P I prefer the plant :D . Nepenthes are nice plants, I would like some, but it'll be difficult to keep them without a greenhouse I guess. You can buy them in hanging pots here, looks very nice.
  11. E

    Popa sp

    Nice example of mimicry. Do you have a hard time finding them all in their cage? :D What do these look like as adults?
  12. E

    vermiculite good or bad?

    In my more naturalistic anclosures I put a layer of coco peat on top of the vermiculite. I also added oak leaves in the dessicata cage. I wouldn't sterilize leaves in the microwave :D You can heat them in an oven @ 100C for a while to kill all insects. There is no need to really sterilize...
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    Idolo's carnivorous plants gallery

    Not quite, they require an area with clean water, little/no nutrients and that is more and more of a problem, especially in a country like the Netherlands. So, not as common as they used to be, but you can still find them her and there
  14. E

    Idolo's carnivorous plants gallery

    tsk, tsk, the lack of education of the youth these days :rolleyes: Of course there are, all over Europe in swamp area's. Try Naardermeer or other places with peat bogs. There are two species in the Netherlands, D.intermedia and D.anglica
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    Idolo's carnivorous plants gallery

    Venus fly traps and some drosera's also do better outside here's a wild Drosera I found in the Netherlands
  16. E

    vermiculite good or bad?

    I started with mantids last summer, got some orchids and dessicata's from a French breeder. At the time I asked him what how to best set them up. One of the things he advised is vermiculite as a substrate, because it holds water well, thereby helping to maintain good humidity. Now two days ago I...
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    questions about fly pupae

    Maybe that depends on how you store them. I just finished the last of a batch of pupae I had in the fridge for 6 weeks.
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    Idolo's carnivorous plants gallery

    Sarracenia's are easy, but do much better as garden plants then house plants. Just google around and you'll get lots of info, like this site Pitcher plants three key things to remember, demineralized water (rain water), poor soil and lots of sun. I've had two species in my garden for the last...
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    Birdfly, don't bother, this guy prefers to argue in stead of just to listen and learn :rolleyes: . Extremely tiring, so best just ignored. I see your point, despite just having started with mantids ;) Even from my limited experience I prefer smaller prey that is eaten completely to large...
  20. E

    Indonesia Bark Mantis

    looks interesting! Can you post some full body pics?