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  1. K

    Hmm I found this on eBay..

    Do you know if there is a more detailed thread on this? That sounds like a great idea. I'm a little confused by the containers you use. You use the little paper cups filled with medium, then you put it in a bigger plastic cup with holes which is then placed into the enclosure?
  2. K

    Mold :/

    I read that vinegar is good at preventing mold in a fruit fly culture. It seems that this is not true or I did not use enough. Is yeast the best thing to prevent it? I didn't have any on hand when I was making the cultures. Also, If I make a new culture can I use the flies from the ones that...
  3. K

    When Will Your Mantis Molt

    OK so I had some of my first few molt! They look so much bigger by comparison. My question now is, I have a little over 10 in the same enclosure and some still haven't molted. Should I be ok dropping a few flies in?
  4. K

    First Mantid Nymphs (Chinese)

    I considered this when I first hatched them (I am down to less then 20 now) but when I was researching I assumed that from what I read that only 20-35% will ultimatley survive. I decided not to release any because I wasn't sure if some were destined to die (Not having the will to hunt, born...
  5. K

    First Mantid Nymphs (Chinese)

    My mantids hatched about 6 days ago. I started feeding about 4 days ago using fruit flies. It seems that some are eating just fine and others are chasing the food away (including other mantids). I'm not really sure why some aren't eating, I mist daily. I have recently noticed a significant...
  6. K

    When Will Your Mantis Molt

    Wouldn't misting the cage disturb them? When I mist they start running around. Also, when do you think the first molt would be for a Chinese Mantis? It's been about 6 days since they hatched and some are eating but others are turning away food.
  7. K


    Hello my name is Keith. I have always been interested in Mantids and recently purchased a few ooths for the first time. They hatched two days ago! They don't seem to be very interested in eating, I am going to search the forum for information on when they should be eating. BTW they are...