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  1. P

    Mantid Religiosa Ooth Care

    I moved it outside this morning and I am sure it will be secure. I guess just like nature it makes more sense to put them out in there natural environment. I put them in a cardboard egg holder, like what you buy your eggs in. Maybe I am being to cautious with it.
  2. P

    Mantid Religiosa Ooth Care

    Ok will do...thanks
  3. P

    Mantid Religiosa Ooth Care

    Yea I put it in a zip lock bag in the vegetable crisper, I will mist it once a week. Will temps above freezing make them hatch sooner? I think my fridge is about 38-40 deg.
  4. P

    Mantid Religiosa Ooth Care

    I thought this ooth requires a winter process. I think I would like to hatch them in the spring so I can let some of them go.
  5. P

    Mantid Religiosa Ooth Care

    My mantid Religiosa laid an ooth....Can someone give me pointers on caring for it preferrably indoors. Referigerator???. Dave I am in Pocatello ID and its down in the 20's at night and 40's to 50's during the day.
  6. P

    Pregnanat Mantis Religiosa, What do you think?

    I will go out today and look for a male or two.....thanks all of u for posting replies..I am a noob here
  7. P

    Pregnanat Mantis Religiosa, What do you think?

    I caught them in the wild about 3 weeks ago.....and they have been eating fat crickets.
  8. P

    Pregnanat Mantis Religiosa, What do you think?

    Here are some pics of the girls I have been raising for about 3 weeks now. Are they pregnant?
  9. P

    Chinese Mantid eating question?

    My Mantid Religiosa are eating crickets like there is not tomorrow. I also bought some Black Soldier larvae. They are hatching into flies and the girls love those too. I also emailed a lady here at Idaho State University at the Entomology department. She was suprised there was Mantid...
  10. P

    Black Widow Found this Morning!!

    I noticed this morning when I checked on her that she broke a leg off and its hanging from her web. She seems to be okay.
  11. P

    Chinese Mantid eating question?

    They are eating, since they are from the wild I thought it was ok to give them Honey bees. They loved them...... They seem satisfied.
  12. P

    One female being lazy

    Maybe she has labor pains.....
  13. P

    Black Widow Found this Morning!!

    Thanks Phil, I have read a lot of your posts. I appreciate your knowledge.
  14. P

    Black Widow Found this Morning!!

    Will do, thanks for the instruction. She is in a pretty good size Deli salad cup with a tight fit lid for now, one of the tall ones. She is pretty Calm now and I put a cricket in with her. She has some white stripes on her back?
  15. P

    Black Widow Found this Morning!!

    I went outside to capture some flies and found a female Black Widow on my door basking in the sun. I will keep her. She has some white markings on her back abdomen and the red hour glass on the bottom of her abdomen. I was shocked to find her......Any advice on how to keep her would be...
  16. P

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    Me and my family...
  17. P

    Chinese Mantid eating question?

    Thank you Rick, for clarifying that. Happy Friday Everyone!!!! I appreciate all your help.
  18. P

    Chinese Mantid eating question?

    I woke this morning and each had devoured the moths. I see one moth wing in each cage. They left no carnage from those moths whatsoever. I need to get more moths, but its really cooling off here in SE Idaho.
  19. P

    Identify these Beetles???

    Its a good thing I didn't touch them....I see they will blister your skin, I read.
  20. P

    Chinese Mantid eating question?

    I appreciate all the advice...I went outside to the porch light and grabbed a couple moths...They both have the eye marks on thier underarms....