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  1. P

    Idolomantis incubation

    Hi all! Just wanted to ask for how long you're incubating your Idolomantis ooths? And at what temp? I have a bunch that has been stringed up for about 5 weeks now, at pretty high temp, and I'm still waiting... Never tried to hatch them before. /regards G
  2. P


    Thanx!! Found a picture of superstitiosa nymph, and it seems rigth on the spot.. I didn't know anything of them. /Regards preacher
  3. P


    Hi again! Epitenodera sounds interesting.. I know of Epitenodera Gambiensis, but has no previous experience from them. Neither do I know how they look.. Are there more african Epitenodera species? /Preacher
  4. P


    Yes, of course it would be easier when they're older.. Then I might even see it myself.. No oothscam, since I know who's sent them. And, no, i don't think its Heterochaeta because I want it to be something special. (that kind of comments makes ME tired)The only reason I thought about it is...
  5. P


    Yeah, I know... But, as said, it's from an ootheca imported from east africa... Is it possible..?
  6. P


    Hi all! well... yes I'm sure it's african. i got the Ooth from east africa, so.. What I'm preaching..? :D when I'm not breeding mantids and such, I'm a vicar in the swedish church (Lutheran).
  7. P


    Hi! Could anyone please help me identify this nymph..? Picture is quite bad, I know.. It's an east african species, that much I know. Nymph on picture is L3, and a little bit longer than an inch. Since hatching it has been straightbodied, never "curling" its tail. I think it might be...