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  1. T

    Feeding nymphs?

    I forgot to ask, What is a good DIY substrate or who sells a cheap substrate or FFF? I have no petco near me. :wink: Thanks again
  2. T

    Feeding nymphs?

    Great info! thanks a lot! :D
  3. T

    Feeding nymphs?

    Thanks Great Info, (standard cooking yeast?) I head that they will die out eventually(6-8 weeks) from a lack of fresh genes? and I'm in the USA :wink:
  4. T

    Feeding nymphs?

    Hello, I'm getting my first ootheca soon and want to culture my own food for them, I find re-ordering FFF to be a bit rube goldburg like :\ I was thinking Fly larvae, but I'm not sure if a mantis would take them ( S. limbata) Also, can they be cultured and for what amount of time?/...