Feeding nymphs?


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Glad we could help tweek. I was under the impression that the flightless gene was recessive, how could the gene have been carried over if all the flies were origionally flightless?

One of the flightless may have carried it from down the line and it is starting to show up now. When that fly with the flight gene mates, there is a 25% chance that it's offspring with be able to fly. And when those flight flies mate with flightless, the chances go up.

I forgot to ask, What is a good DIY substrate or who sells a cheap substrate or FFF? I have no petco near me.


Thanks again

I forgot to ask, What is a good DIY substrate or who sells a cheap substrate or FFF? I have no petco near me.:wink:

Thanks again
lots of people use banannas but when i tried they turned to liquid .

ive had the best luck with

85% instant potatoes


2% yeast

thats an average and probably nowhere near accurate i just pour in mostly potatoes then a little sugar and a pinch of yeast.

its not chemistry you dont need to be exact or for the most part even close

some people will swear you have to buy the media but ive had no problems with my mix . ive seen like 10 diffrent media mix recipies on the net and im sure theres 100 more you just gotta look.

one thing ive had issues ith is cheap walmart tupperware . im not talking bouth the cheap disposable tupper ware thats clear. this stuff im talkign bout is like an opage blue translucent at best.

what i started useing in the first place is like this 44-60 OZ container where i dumped most my flies in and started my main culter. thats made me about 400 hydei. now im starting several minicultures in diffrent types of container with difrent media mixes to test what works best but most are doign weel with hardly any difffences cept the bannas.

my fav containers are these disposable tupper ware things that are super small and i had an idea to use baby bottles

I recommend buying a commercial medium instead of making your own. I get mine from www.carolina.com

go to edsflymeat.com (i found out via Deshawns site) talk to or e mail them and your questions will be answered. i started with 3 cultures, i now have 20 or so at a time. i was told the FF will mutate to flight if the tempuratures are above a certain level. mine are mutated to be able to fly also.

Will mutate if over a certian temp? Thats interesting. I don't see how temperature could have any effect on genes. Has anyone else heard this, or maybe have some sort of proof?

The temperature doesn't effect genes--it may effect how they molt into adulthood though. That would be kinda the same way mantids are effected by humidity and such when they molt.

That means that some of the adults in your cultures, though they can't fly, will have offspring that can. The adults may just be a mis-molt with crippled wings but carry the dominant flying gene. If it is, indeed, dominant, then 100% of its offspring would be able to fly (as long as they don't also mis-molt).

If there was only 1 fruit fly in a culture of a few hundred that could pass on this gene, it may take a few life cycles for it to become apparent that something has gone wrong. The single fruit fly may only produce a couple dozen or so offspring, so not all the flies in the next generation would be "tainted" with the ability to fly, but a good portion would, and for each subsequent generation, the portion that can fly grows exponentially. I doubt it would take more than 2 or 3 life cycles before over 90% of the fruit flies can fly.

Will mutate if over a certian temp? Thats interesting. I don't see how temperature could have any effect on genes. Has anyone else heard this, or maybe have some sort of proof?
This is probably compairing apples to oranges, but take for example a crocodile nest: If the temps inside the nest are above a certain temp, you get only one gender of babies. If the temp goes below a certain point inside the nest, you get babies of only the opposite gender.

I don't see why temps can't affect something other than gender?
