Mantis Keeper
Well-known member
Glad we could help tweek. I was under the impression that the flightless gene was recessive, how could the gene have been carried over if all the flies were origionally flightless?
lots of people use banannas but when i tried they turned to liquid .I forgot to ask, What is a good DIY substrate or who sells a cheap substrate or FFF? I have no petco near me.:wink:
Thanks again
This is probably compairing apples to oranges, but take for example a crocodile nest: If the temps inside the nest are above a certain temp, you get only one gender of babies. If the temp goes below a certain point inside the nest, you get babies of only the opposite gender.Will mutate if over a certian temp? Thats interesting. I don't see how temperature could have any effect on genes. Has anyone else heard this, or maybe have some sort of proof?