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  1. D

    jameslongo & Superfreak

    +1 for me. I contacted James looking for some mantids of various species and he replied promptly with info on the species, pictures, prices, etc. I wound up buying 2X Ministralis and 1X Archimantis latistyla, as well as a snake mantid ooth (and he wound up sending two, one for free). James...
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    My first mantid, with questons from a newb

    My first enclosure was pretty basic, I'll post pics in the other forum later. But I glued a few layers of paper towel along one wall of the container and along the roof so he has plenty of places to hang and easy to climb the plastic side. Three large holes for feeding and air supply with mesh...
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    My first mantid, with questons from a newb

    Well thanks for the input guys. I just built my first habitat complete with horizontal ventilation in an 800ml plastic container and brought him inside to molt, hopefully all goes well. They certainly are quick at times though, and seem very friendly. Although I tend to find him on the top of...
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    My first mantid, with questons from a newb

    Thanks for that Becky.
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    My first mantid, with questons from a newb

    I'm living in Perth, Australia, and recently planted a garden and had the first live Mantis I've seen (originally from Canada) show up in my strawberry patch, perfect for pest control of course. Anyway, I've taken such a liking to it and read up so much on them in the last couple weeks that I'm...
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    Hello from Perth

    I'm originally from Edmonton actually. Hard to follow the Oilers living in Perth now...
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    Hello from Perth

    H there. Another newb here. I'm originally from Canada living now in Perth, Australia as my wife is an Aussie. I'm 24 and fell into this hobby after planting a strawberry and veg garden this spring and having a little green mantis show up and protect my strawberries, which were being ravaged by...
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    waht made you come to this hobby

    Well my first post here: 1. I'm not really raising mantis' yet, I'm from Canada and had never seen a Mantis in person in my life, not very common where I come from. I now live in Perth, Australia and am growing a strawberry patch and had a little green mantis show up a week ago. It fascinated...