waht made you come to this hobby


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Well my first post here:

1. I'm not really raising mantis' yet, I'm from Canada and had never seen a Mantis in person in my life, not very common where I come from. I now live in Perth, Australia and am growing a strawberry patch and had a little green mantis show up a week ago. It fascinated me and my wife to no end, so I started looking up more info, found this place and have begun searching for more as I'm going to keep them in captivity as well.

2. How great they are at keeping my strawberries free from pests. I had trouble with a few pests and within a week of planting this little mantis showed up all on his own.

3. Just one, total newb here, looking to get started at this hobby

1.why did you begin raising mantises?

I found an adult female T. sinensis at work, took her home (and everywhere else... to work everyday, hehe), and kept her until she passed. RIP Lily, the Chinese female who sparked my interest and love for mantids.

2. waht do you think is the most facinating thing about them?

The way they are so personable, cat-like, and human-like in some ways.

3.how many mantises have you had added together

Lots in a comparatively short time!

4. waht was your favorite mantis

I've had a special affinity for P. chlorophaea and Rhombodera sp. since I've had them. But P. paradoxa are also right up there. Then there are several new (to me) species that I'm really getting to like too...

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