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  1. E

    content:Paratoxodera cornicollis, Toxodera denticulata.

    Hi all,who content these type: Paratoxodera cornicollis, Toxodera denticulata. How difficult is the content? And kept in captivity?
  2. E

    Peter , the seller did not answer, you can delete the topic . Thank you that you have responded . excellent forum!
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    The seller never responded. Posted at Russian forums about what happened
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    Hello everyone PhilinYuma, not so long ago I doing mantises, but a lot of friends who are expert in this. And the seller does not say that this is very complicated . And he did not use heat packs. But I realized that I was going on , if the mantis were alive . And when the same is necessary to...
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    Thanks Peter, I sent a letter to the seller
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    I liked your site , you can send Ootheca in another country (Russia) ? Bad that we have hard to find a praying mantis and very expensive . As will warm in Russia , I would have bought . And the seller said that he was not guilty, and not to helps...
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    I did not understand who is a Superfreak? Sad death for mantis , but the seller did not reimburse the compensation
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    What to do with the seller? Claim compensation?
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    Hi everyone! I bought a pair of idolomantis diabolica at . They were delivered by a train,But insects appeared dead at the arrival . They were held in a container without air holes . i think they die lack air in container . But the salesman says insects can't...
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    Hi everyone! I bought a pair of idolomantis diabolica at 
. They were delivered by a train. The trip last for 24 hours, but the insects appeared dead at the arrival. They were held in a container without air holes. I think insects died because of asphyxia. On the...