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  1. TanteEdgar

    Monster Bug Wars!

    I don't like it at all, the retarded sound effects is a turn-off for me. But a show I like even less is GladiatorBugs on YouTube where some people put two bugs in a small box and make them fight each other. Itatakes a while because both insects panic and tries to crawl up the glass wall....
  2. TanteEdgar

    Ok, so we're all into insects, is there any aquarium people here?

    The Black Ghost fish is awesome. I just hope that I can get the african pipefish I am looking for, it is even more awesome.
  3. TanteEdgar

    Ok, so we're all into insects, is there any aquarium people here?

    I also have a thing for laser pointers... Awesome when you point the beam into water (my empty tank) it lights up the whole thing. But then of course, my 1w blue laser is 200 times more powerful than regular red pointers you can buy everywhere :P The blue light is perfect for night time light...
  4. TanteEdgar

    Ok, so we're all into insects, is there any aquarium people here?

    I like panorama'ish tanks, too bad I don't have enough room for one of those. A 5-700 liter Aquastabil tank would be awesome, IDK what that is in gallons, maybe 300...? A gallon is roughly 2 litres, right?
  5. TanteEdgar

    Ok, so we're all into insects, is there any aquarium people here?

    Nice, you got Red Bee too. Maybe even some SSS quality if my eyes are working properly, am I right? I am growing a bonzai tree right now too, and I have just finished a very simple aquascape in a nano tank on my desk.
  6. TanteEdgar

    Ok, so we're all into insects, is there any aquarium people here?

    We have mantids in common but do we share other hobbies as well? I have way too many hobbies and as a result, some of my hobbies ends up collecting dust on my shelf. But one hobby that I find extra fun (and also the one that you can't just stow away) is aquariums. I have 3 tanks going today and...
  7. TanteEdgar

    Malaysia banded flower mantis

    *Nor is discussion in the classifieds. Mantis porn is not alllowed on this forum, please remove that extremely offensive picture.
  8. TanteEdgar

    Does anyone play an instrument in here?

    Did you seriously not see that one coming? :lol:
  9. TanteEdgar

    Does anyone play an instrument in here?

    No, farting does not count.
  10. TanteEdgar

    Does anyone play an instrument in here?

    You can get pretty cheap keyboards now adays ;) I bought a Yamaha PSR-3000 (the model that's below the Tyros models) a few years ago, it's awesome but a bit expensive. It's probably a lot cheaper now though... Guitar is (of course) ESP LTD MH-1000, I'm sort of a Kirk Hammett fan :P
  11. TanteEdgar

    Does anyone play an instrument in here?

    Just wondering if anyone here is playing an instrument. There is nothing to be ashamed of, not even if you play the flute :P As for me: Guitar Keyboard Drums Guitar Hero guitar controller B) I mostly play the drums. Songs I've been practicing recently: Almost easy, A7X (short for...
  12. TanteEdgar

    Need help to ID a weird bug

    Then I guess I'll just have to expect something all the time. ;)
  13. TanteEdgar

    Need help to ID a weird bug

    Allright, all right, it was sort of a joke... It's a jungle nymph and yes, it attacks me every time i touch it :P Besides, what are the odds of finding one outside in the snow in december...? In Norway? :lol:
  14. TanteEdgar

    Need help to ID a weird bug

    I was on my way into the garage when I found this thing crawling around, eating snow crystals. Does anyone know what this is? In case you didn't get it: I didn't find it outside, it's like -10C Outside :P Got you!!!11!111ONEONEONE11!11!! That picture was so huge that it revealed all of...
  15. TanteEdgar

    Have a few questions about Idolomantis Diabolica

    It happened last night. Too bad it was a mismolt :( She fell down and got crippled (sort of). The wings look like something that's left from a popped balloon and one leg is broken. It's not broken off so maybe I can support it with a piece of tape or something. Sporeworld: I was just kidding...
  16. TanteEdgar

    Have a few questions about Idolomantis Diabolica

    Heteropteryx Dilatata ;) Maybe a bit heavy for a mantis thou... :P
  17. TanteEdgar

    Have a few questions about Idolomantis Diabolica

    Yey. If it molts, I can start feeding it with Dilatata's.... or not... Let's hope that everything turns out fine then.
  18. TanteEdgar

    Have a few questions about Idolomantis Diabolica

    Hi. I was just wondering how long it usually takes a subadult Idolo to molt to adult? 1-2 months? My female Idolo is refusing to eat, it has got some green'ish colour along the edges of the back shield and it's doing absolutely nothing, just hanging there. Been like this for a few days now...
  19. TanteEdgar

    What do Mantid Forum members drive?

    Sorry about your head... Anyway, I drive a 1986mod Toyota(!) Celica 2.0GT It's about to fall apart, the engine spits the coolant out the exhaust and overheats. It stopped because of overheating a few weeks ago. I start the car, put it in reverse and after about 30-40 yards the engine stops...
  20. TanteEdgar

    Your view on Toyota...

    Well, I doubt he would have time to do that if he was driving a IS-F :P