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  1. L

    Heterochaeta sp. male female exchange

    For European union only. I have two adult (1 and 3 weeks) males of Heterochaeta sp. ("Lars line")- I would like exchange one against female. I can add something plus. If there is somebody with extra females of this species contact me urgent, please.
  2. L


    Thanks, I expected that it is different but mother nature makes wonders therefore I prefet to be safe.
  3. L


    I have 2 adult Heterochaetas that should be pair but is not. I know, sternit counting is problem in this genus and I do not have experiences with it. Both specimens abdomen looks identical to me except that one has clearly broader "cerci" or "appendices" or how it is called. Can somebody...
  4. L

    Frey - (Poland)

    I made ooth swap with "Frey" and I received everything very quickly and well packed. It was abolutely smooth trade so my experience is very positive.
  5. L

    Acontista multicolor ooths, Gongylus nymphs

    I have 3 fresh Acontista ooths from females those are for sure fertilized, because their first oothecas already hatched. I prefer swap them for something interesting (I can sale them if I will not get any interesting swap offer). For Hamm - I can bring there some nymphs, they will be not older...
  6. L

    Acontista multicolor ooths, Gongylus nymphs

    Ok, I have now Acontista nymphs as well - they are practically ants if we subtract anntennae, both in appearance and movements. Shipping possible inside Europe.
  7. L

    Acontista Multicolor questions

    No, I think it is not necessary. Just ADULT FEMALES look that they wish eat something bigger. Males are eating just very small prey so they are not danger for other nymphs and because nymphs live happily together separate just adult females (may be not necessary but like is here spoken: security...
  8. L

    Acontista multicolor ooths, Gongylus nymphs

    I have few Acontista multicolor ooths for sale or exchange. Pairings observed (sorry for blurred picture but I do not want disturb them with flash) - I have more females. I can wait until first one by every female will hatch but I am afraid that by this little gem development is that speedy that...
  9. L

    Heteropteryxiyxyxixi Dilatata

    They eat a lot of plants - in fact I think that if you will feed them with "regular trees" they will eat half of them. Preferred can be oak but they will eat beech, linden, raspberry etc. Really many trees and shrubs. During summer - no problem. During winter what is green is bramble, they love...
  10. L

    Heteropteryxiyxyxixi Dilatata

    In fact these are nocturnal animals. If you have lot of food plants you do not see them during day and they practically do not move. And now take flashlight with red filter and observe a bit what they are doing in dark - you will be suprising how active are they! What is most annoying is long...
  11. L

    Deroplatys truncata

    Very long copulation. I gave male on female around 3 PM. They connected in 5 minutes. And it was lasting and lasting .... up to the evening female consumed 1 subadult Blatta lateralis, 1 medium size cricket and 2 big wax moth caterpillars. After switching ligts off (this species is crepuscular...
  12. L

    What's the biggest type of Mantis?

    I think you need split your question to longest mantis and heaviest mantis. Toxodera is very long but for sure not as heavy like Hierodula, etc. Same is problem in other groups f. e. beetles. Problem is with weight of insects - this problem is waiting for breeders. Moreover it varies a lot by...
  13. L

    Hi everybody

    Thanks to everybody. However I am not common "Homo forum" species because (although I work mostly at computer so I find some pause time) my animals need a lot of work therefore I am searching forums and web mostly when I need some exact information only. To be quite honest impulse to sign in...
  14. L

    Wanted Deroplatys truncata male

    I am searching for adult/subadult Deroplatys truncata male. Preferably in European union. I will take risk and courier cost. I am in Slovakia.
  15. L

    Hi everybody

    I am new to this forum but not to insectoculture. On contrary, I am quite old fart and have more than 35years of serious experience behind me. I have currently about 100 insect species at home what I can call about average during past 25 years (they were times when I had twice as much inverts...